Primary and Streaming Replica Containers
This example starts a primary and a replica pod containing a PostgreSQL database.
The container creates a default database called userdb, a default user called testuser and a default password of password.
For the Docker environment, the script additionally creates:
- A docker volume using the local driver for the primary
- A docker volume using the local driver for the replica
- A container named primary binding to port 12007
- A container named replica binding to port 12008
- A mapping of the PostgreSQL port 5432 within the container to the localhost port 12000
- The database using predefined environment variables
And specifically for the Kubernetes and OpenShift environments:
- emptyDir volumes for persistence
- A pod named pr-primary
- A pod named pr-replica
- A pod named pr-replica-2
- A service named pr-primary
- A service named pr-replica
- The database using predefined environment variables
To shutdown the instance and remove the container for each example, run the following:
To create the example and run the container:
cd $CCPROOT/examples/docker/primary-replica
Connect from your local host as follows:
psql -h localhost -p 12007 -U testuser -W userdb
psql -h localhost -p 12008 -U testuser -W userdb
Kubernetes and OpenShift
Run the following command to deploy a primary and replica database cluster:
cd $CCPROOT/examples/kube/primary-replica
It takes about a minute for the replica to begin replicating with the primary. To test out replication, see if replication is underway with this command:
${CCP_CLI?} exec -ti pr-primary -- psql -d postgres -c 'table pg_stat_replication'
If you see a line returned from that query it means the primary is replicating to the replica. Try creating some data on the primary:
${CCP_CLI?} exec -ti pr-primary -- psql -d postgres -c 'create table foo (id int)'
${CCP_CLI?} exec -ti pr-primary -- psql -d postgres -c 'insert into foo values (1)'
Then verify that the data is replicated to the replica:
${CCP_CLI?} exec -ti pr-replica -- psql -d postgres -c 'table foo'
If you wanted to experiment with scaling up the number of replicas, you can run the following example:
cd $CCPROOT/examples/kube/primary-replica-dc
You can verify that replication is working using the same commands as above.
${CCP_CLI?} exec -ti primary-dc -- psql -d postgres -c 'table pg_stat_replication'
This example resides under the $CCPROOT/examples/helm
directory. View the README to run this example
using Helm link:[here].