
Node Exporter is a Prometheus project used for exporing machine metrics to the Prometheus time series database. Crunchy-Node-Exporter is a self-contained container of this project that is designed to run as a Daemonset in Kubernetes, exporting metrics for each node it is running on.

The following port is exposed by the crunchy-node-exporter container:

  • crunchy-node-exporter:9100 - the Prometheus web user interface


It is important to provide a long enough the SCRAPE_TIMEOUT setting for Prometheus in the Crunchy-Prometheus container. If it is set too low, crunchy-node-exporter may show TCP broken pipe errors in its logs. These are generally because the scrape had not completed when Prometheus closed the scrape connection.


The crunchy-node-exporter Docker image contains the following packages:

  • Node Exporter
  • CentOS7 - publicly available
  • RHEL7 - customers only

Environment Variables


Name Default Description
CRUNCHY_DEBUG FALSE Set this to true to enable debugging in logs. Note: this mode can reveal secrets in logs.


Crunchy Node Exporter runs as a priviledged container and mounts the /proc and /sys as Read-only hostpath directories in order to obtain the metrics information from each node it is running on. Crunchy Node Exporter requires a service account to run properly in Red Hat Openshift.