Building the Containers

Build From Source

This section of the documentation assumes you have followed the Installation Guide. Because the build pulls down some kubernetes dependencies, you will need sudo’ers privileges to do a build. If you don’t have the atomic-openshift-clients package installed on your machine you will see a warning message. This is expected and will not prevent the containers from working in a standalone Docker environment.

You should do the following in order to build the containers locally and be able to submit patches:

  1. Fork the Crunchy-Containers GitHub repository.
  2. Containers builds are installed via a Makefile. You will need to run the following commands:

    cd $CCPROOT
    make setup
    make all

if you want to build an individual container, such as Postgresql, you can do:

make setup
make postgres

You can find all the make targets in the Makefile.

After this, you will have all the Crunchy containers built and are ready for use in a standalone Docker environment.