Major Upgrade
The upgrade container will let you perform a pg_upgrade
from a PostgreSQL version 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, or 13 database to the available any of the higher versions of PostgreSQL versions that are currently support which are 9.6, 10, 11, 12, and 13. It does not do multi-version upgrades so you will need to for example do a 10 to 11 and then a 11 to 12 to get to version 12.
Prior to running this example, make sure your CCP_IMAGE_TAG
environment variable is using the next major version of PostgreSQL that you
want to upgrade to. For example, if you’re upgrading from 12 to 13, make
sure the variable references a PostgreSQL 13 image such as centos8-13.2-4.6.2
This will create the following in your Kubernetes environment:
- a Kubernetes Job running the crunchy-upgrade container
- a new data directory name upgrade found in the pgnewdata PVC
Kubernetes and OpenShift
First, delete the existing primary deployment:
${CCP_CLI} delete deployment primary
Then start the upgrade as follows:
cd $CCPROOT/examples/kube/upgrade
If successful, the Job will end with a successful status. Verify the results of the Job by examining the Job’s pod log:
${CCP_CLI} get pod -l job-name=upgrade
${CCP_CLI} logs -l job-name=upgrade
You can verify the upgraded database by running the post-upgrade.sh
script in the
directory. This will create a PostgreSQL pod that mounts the
upgraded volume.