
pgBouncer Connection Pooling Example

Crunchy pgBouncer is a lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL databases.

The following examples create the following containers:

  • pgBouncer Primary
  • pgBouncer Replica
  • PostgreSQL Primary
  • PostgreSQL Replica

In Kubernetes and OpenShift, this example will also create:

  • pgBouncer Primary Service
  • pgBouncer Replica Service
  • Primary Service
  • Replica Service
  • PostgreSQL Secrets
  • pgBouncer Secrets

To cleanup the objects created by this example, run the following in the pgbouncer example directory:


For more information on pgBouncer, see the link:[official website].


Run the pgbouncer example:

cd $CCPROOT/examples/docker/pgbouncer

Once all containers have deployed and are ready for use, psql to the target databases through pgBouncer:

psql -d userdb -h -p 6432 -U testuser
psql -d userdb -h -p 6433 -U testuser

To connect to the administration database within pgbouncer, connect using psql:

psql -d pgbouncer -h -p 6432 -U pgbouncer
psql -d pgbouncer -h -p 6433 -U pgbouncer

Kubernetes and OpenShift

OpenShift: If custom configurations aren’t being mounted, an emptydir volume is required to be mounted at /pgconf.

Run the pgbouncer example:

cd $CCPROOT/examples/kube/pgbouncer

Once all containers have deployed and are ready for use, psql to the target databases through pgBouncer:

psql -d userdb -h pgbouncer-primary -p 6432 -U testuser
psql -d userdb -h pgbouncer-replica -p 6432 -U testuser

To connect to the administration database within pgbouncer, connect using psql:

psql -d pgbouncer -h pgbouncer-primary -p 6432 -U pgbouncer -c "SHOW SERVERS"
psql -d pgbouncer -h pgbouncer-replica -p 6432 -U pgbouncer -c "SHOW SERVERS"