Installation Guide


These installation instructions are developed and tested for the following operating systems:

  • CentOS 7

  • RHEL 7

The Crunchy Container Suite can run on different environments including:

  • Docker 1.13+

  • OpenShift Container Platform 3.11

  • Kubernetes 1.8+

In this document we list the basic installation steps required for these environments.

Project Environment

If your goal is to simply run the containers any properly configured user account should work. If your goal is for development and/or building the containers, we recommend a user whose environment is dedicated for that purpose.

First add the following lines to your .bashrc file to set the project paths:

export GOPATH=$HOME/cdev
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
export CCP_BASEOS=centos7       # centos7 for Centos, rhel7 for Redhat
export CCP_VERSION=2.3.2
export CCP_IMAGE_PREFIX=crunchydata
export CCPROOT=$GOPATH/src/
export CCP_CLI=kubectl          # kubectl for K8s, oc for OpenShift
export CCP_NAMESPACE=demo

You will need to add environment variables for storage configuration as well. Please see the Storage Configuration document for configuring storage using environment variables set in .bashrc.

It will be necessary to refresh your .bashrc file in order for the changes to take effect.

. ~/.bashrc

Next, set up a project directory structure and pull down the project from github:

mkdir -p $HOME/cdev/src/ $HOME/cdev/pkg $HOME/cdev/bin


The installation for Centos 7 and RHEL 7 are similar, but there are several steps which require slightly different commands related to location of repositories, etc. These are highlighted below where necessary.

Install Supporting Software

CentOS 7 only

sudo yum -y install epel-release --enablerepo=extras
sudo yum -y install golang git

RHEL 7 only

sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
sudo yum -y install git golang

Clone GitHub repository

cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd crunchy-containers
git checkout 2.3.2
go get

If you are a Crunchy Enterprise Customer running on RHEL, you will place the Crunchy repository key and yum repository file into the $CCPROOT/conf directory at this point. These files can be obtained through on the downloads page.

Install PostgreSQL

These installation instructions assume the installation of PostgreSQL 10 through the official PGDG repository. View the documentation located here in order to view more detailed notes or install a different version of PostgreSQL.

Locate and edit your distribution’s .repo file, located:

  • On CentOS: /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo, [base] and [updates] sections

  • On RHEL: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf [main] section

To the section(s) identified above, depending on OS being used, you need to append a line to prevent dependencies from getting resolved to the PostgreSQL supplied by the base repository:


Next, install the RPM relating to the base operating system and PostgreSQL version you wish to install. The RPMs can be found here. Below we chose Postgresql 10 for the example (change if you need different version):

On CentOS system:

sudo yum -y install

On RHEL system:

sudo yum -y install

Update the system:

sudo yum -y update

Install the PostgreSQL server package.

sudo yum -y install postgresql10-server.x86_64

Update the system:

sudo yum -y update

Install Docker

The OpenShift and Kubernetes (KubeAdm) instructions both have a section for installing docker. Installing docker now won’t cause any issues but you may wish to configure Docker storage before bringing everything up. Configuring Docker Storage is different from Storage Configuration referenced earlier in the instructions and is not covered here.

For a basic docker installation, you can follow the instructions below. Please refer to the respective installation guide for the version of Kubernetes you are installing for more specific details.

sudo yum -y install docker

It is necessary to add the docker group and give your user access to that group:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker <username>

Logout and login again as the same user to allow group settings to take effect.

Enable Docker service and start Docker (once all configuration is complete):

sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service

OpenShift Installation

Use the OpenShift installation guide to install OpenShift Enterprise on your host. Make sure to choose the proper version of OpenShift you want to install. The main instructions for 3.11 are here and you’ll be able to select a different version there, if needed:

Kubernetes Installation

Make sure your hostname resolves to a single IP address in your /etc/hosts file. The NFS examples will not work otherwise and other problems with installation can occur unless you have a resolving hostname.

You should see a single IP address returned from this command:

$ hostname --ip-address

Installing Kubernetes

We suggest using Kubeadm as a simple way to install Kubernetes.

See Kubeadm for installing the latest version of Kubeadm.

See Create a Cluster for creating the Kuberenetes cluster using Kubeadm. Note: We find that Weave networking works particularly well with the container suite.

Please see here to view the official documentation regarding configuring DNS for your Kubernetes cluster.

Post Kubernetes Configuration

In order to run the various examples, Role Based Account Control will need to be set up. Specifically, the cluster-admin role will need to be assigned to the Kubernetes user that will be utilized to run the examples. This is done by creating the proper ClusterRoleBinding:

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --user someuser

If you are running on GKE, the following command can be utilized to auto-populate the user option with the account that is currently logged into Google Cloud:

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)

If more than one user will be running the examples on the same Kubernetes cluster, a unique name will need to be provided for each new ClusterRoleBinding created in order to assign the cluster-admin role to every user. The example below will create a ClusterRoleBinding with a unique value:

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding <unique>-cluster-admin-binding \
    --clusterrole cluster-admin \
    --user someuser

If you are running on GKE, the following can be utilized to create a unique ClusterRoleBinding for each user, with the user’s Google Cloud account prepended to the name of each new ClusterRoleBinding:

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding "$(gcloud config get-value account)-cluster-admin-binding" \
    --clusterrole cluster-admin \
    --user $(gcloud config get-value account)


Some Kubernetes Helm examples are provided in the following directory as one option for deploying the Container Suite.


Once you have your Kubernetes environment configured, it is simple to get Helm up and running. Please refer to this document to get Helm installed and configured properly.

Configuring Namespace and Permissions

In Kubernetes, a concept called a namespace provides the means to separate created resources or components into individual logically grouped partitions. In OpenShift, namespace is referred to as a project.

It is considered a best practice to have dedicated namespaces for projects in both testing and production environments.

All examples in the Crunchy Container Suite operate within the namespace defined by the environment variable $CCP_NAMESPACE. The default we use for namespace is ‘demo’ but it can be set to any valid namespace name. The instructions below illustrate how to set up and work within new namespaces or projects in both Kubernetes and OpenShift.


This section will illustrate how to set up a new Kubernetes namespace called demo, and will then show how to provide permissions to that namespace to allow the Kubernetes examples to run within that namespace.

First, view currently existing namespaces:

$ kubectl get namespace
NAME          STATUS    AGE
default       Active    21d
kube-public   Active    21d
kube-system   Active    21d

Then, create a new namespace called demo:

$ kubectl create -f $CCPROOT/conf/demo-namespace.json
namespace "demo" created
$ kubectl get namespace demo
demo      Active    7s

Then set the namespace as the default for the current context:

When a namespace is not explicitly stated for a command, Kubernetes uses the namespace specified by the currently set context.

$ kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=demo

We can verify that the namespace was set correctly through the following command:

$ kubectl config view | grep namespace:
    namespace: demo


This section assumes an administrator has already logged in first as the system:admin user as directed by the OpenShift Installation Guide.

For our development purposes only, we typically specify the OCP Authorization policy of AllowAll as documented here:

We do not recommend this authentication policy for a production deployment of OCP.

For the best results, it is recommended that you run the examples with a user that has NOT been assigned the cluster-admin cluster role.

Log into the system as a user:

$ oc login -u <user>

The next step is to create a demo namespace to run the examples within. The name of this OCP project will be what you supply in the CCP_NAMESPACE environment variable:

$ oc new-project demo --description="Crunchy Containers project" --display-name="Crunchy-Containers"
Now using project "demo" on server "".

$ export CCP_NAMESPACE=demo

If we view the list of projects, we can see the new project has been added and is “active”.

$ oc get projects
demo        Crunchy-Containers   Active
myproject   My Project           Active

If you were on a different project and wanted to switch to the demo project, you would do so by running the following:

$ oc project demo
Now using project "demo" on server "".

When self-provisioning a new project using the oc new-project command, the current user (i.e., the user you used when logging into OCP with the oc login command) will automatically be assigned to the admin role for that project. This will allow the user to create the majority of the objects needed to successfully run the examples. However, in order to create the Persistent Volume objects needed to properly configure storage for the examples, an additional role is needed. Specifically, a new role is needed that can both create and delete Persistent Volumes.

Using the following two commands, create a new Cluster Role that has the ability to create and delete persistent volumes, and then assign that role to your current user:

Please be aware that the following two commands require privileges that your current user may not have. In the event that you are unable to run these commands, and do not have access to a user that is able to run them (e.g., the system:admin user that is created by default when installing OCP), please contact your local OCP administrator to run the commands on your behalf, or grant you the access required to run them yourself.

$ oc create clusterrole crunchytester --verb="list,create,delete" --resource=persistentvolumes
clusterrole "crunchytester" created

$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user crunchytester someuser
cluster role "crunchytester" added: "someuser"

Your user should now have the roles and privileges required to run the examples.