class patroni.postgresql.cancellable. CancellableExecutor View on GitHub

Bases: object

There must be only one such process so that AsyncExecutor can easily cancel it.

__init__ ( ) None View on GitHub
_kill_children ( ) None View on GitHub
_kill_process ( ) None View on GitHub
_start_process ( cmd : List [ str ] , * args : Any , ** kwargs : Any ) bool | None View on GitHub

This method must be executed only when the _lock is acquired

class patroni.postgresql.cancellable. CancellableSubprocess View on GitHub

Bases: CancellableExecutor

__init__ ( ) None View on GitHub
call ( * args : Any , ** kwargs : Any | Dict [ str , str ] ) int | None View on GitHub
cancel ( kill : bool = False ) None View on GitHub
property is_cancelled : bool View on GitHub
reset_is_cancelled ( ) None View on GitHub