Abstraction layer for psycopg module.

This module is able to handle both pyscopg2 and psycopg , and it exposes a common interface for both. psycopg2 takes precedence. psycopg will only be used if psycopg2 is either absent or older than 2.5.4 .

exception patroni.psycopg. DatabaseError

Bases: Error

Error related to the database engine.

exception patroni.psycopg. Error

Bases: Exception

Base class for error exceptions.

__init__ ( * args , ** kwargs )

The cursor that raised the exception, if available, else None


A Diagnostics object to get further information about the error


The error code returned by the backend, if available, else None


The error message returned by the backend, if available, else None

exception patroni.psycopg. OperationalError

Bases: DatabaseError

Error related to database operation (disconnect, memory allocation etc).

exception patroni.psycopg. ProgrammingError

Bases: DatabaseError

Error related to database programming (SQL error, table not found etc).

patroni.psycopg. connect ( * args : Any , ** kwargs : Any ) connection | Connection [ Any ] View on GitHub

Get a connection to the database.


The connection will have autocommit enabled.

It also enforces search_path=pg_catalog for non-replication connections to mitigate security issues as Patroni relies on superuser connections.

Parameters :
  • args – positional arguments to call connect() function from psycopg module.

  • kwargs – keyword arguments to call connect() function from psycopg module.

Returns :

a connection to the database. Can be either a psycopg.Connection if using psycopg , or a psycopg2.extensions.connection if using psycopg2 .

patroni.psycopg. quote_ident ( value : Any , conn : cursor | connection | Connection [ Any ] | None = None ) str View on GitHub

Quote value as a SQL identifier.

Parameters :
  • value – value to be quoted.

  • conn – connection to evaluate the returning string into. Can be either a psycopg.Connection if using psycopg , or a psycopg2.extensions.connection if using psycopg2 .

Returns :

value quoted as a SQL identifier.

patroni.psycopg. quote_literal ( value : Any , conn : Any | None = None ) str View on GitHub

Quote value as a SQL literal.


value is quoted through psycopg2 adapters.

Parameters :
  • value – value to be quoted.

  • conn – if a connection is given then quote_literal() checks if any special handling based on server parameters needs to be applied to value before quoting it as a SQL literal.

Returns :

value quoted as a SQL literal.