patroni.watchdog.linux. IOC ( dir_ : int , type_ : str , nr : int , size : int ) int View on GitHub
patroni.watchdog.linux. IOR ( type_ : str , nr : int , size : int ) int View on GitHub
patroni.watchdog.linux. IOW ( type_ : str , nr : int , size : int ) int View on GitHub
patroni.watchdog.linux. IOWR ( type_ : str , nr : int , size : int ) int View on GitHub
class patroni.watchdog.linux. LinuxWatchdogDevice ( device : str ) View on GitHub

Bases: WatchdogBase

DEFAULT_DEVICE = '/dev/watchdog'
__init__ ( device : str ) None View on GitHub
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_ioctl ( func : int , arg : Any ) None View on GitHub

Runs the specified ioctl on the underlying fd.

Raises WatchdogError if the device is closed. Raises OSError or IOError (Python 2) when the ioctl fails.

property can_be_disabled : bool View on GitHub

Returns True when watchdog will be disabled by calling close(). Some watchdog devices will keep running no matter what once activated. May raise WatchdogError if called without calling open() first.

close ( ) None View on GitHub

Gracefully close watchdog device.

describe ( ) str View on GitHub

Human readable name for this device

classmethod from_config ( config : Dict [ str , Any ] ) LinuxWatchdogDevice View on GitHub
get_support ( ) WatchdogInfo View on GitHub
get_timeout ( ) int View on GitHub

Returns the current keepalive timeout in effect.

has_set_timeout ( ) bool View on GitHub

Returns True if setting a timeout is supported.

property is_healthy : bool View on GitHub

Returns False when calling open() is known to fail.

property is_running : bool View on GitHub

Returns True when watchdog is activated and capable of performing it’s task.

keepalive ( ) None View on GitHub

Resets the watchdog timer.

Watchdog must be open when keepalive is called.

open ( ) None View on GitHub

Open watchdog device.

When watchdog is opened keepalive must be called. Returns nothing on success or raises WatchdogError if the device could not be opened.

set_timeout ( timeout : int ) None View on GitHub

Set the watchdog timer timeout.

Parameters :

timeout – watchdog timeout in seconds

class patroni.watchdog.linux. TestingWatchdogDevice ( device : str ) View on GitHub

Bases: LinuxWatchdogDevice

Converts timeout ioctls to regular writes that can be intercepted from a named pipe.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
get_support ( ) WatchdogInfo View on GitHub
get_timeout ( ) int View on GitHub

Returns the current keepalive timeout in effect.

set_timeout ( timeout : int ) None View on GitHub

Set the watchdog timer timeout.

Parameters :

timeout – watchdog timeout in seconds

timeout = 60
class patroni.watchdog.linux. WatchdogInfo ( options : int , version : int , identity : str ) View on GitHub

Bases: NamedTuple

Watchdog descriptor from the kernel

_asdict ( )

Return a new dict which maps field names to their values.

_field_defaults = {}
_fields = ('options', 'version', 'identity')
classmethod _make ( iterable )

Make a new WatchdogInfo object from a sequence or iterable

_replace ( ** kwds )

Return a new WatchdogInfo object replacing specified fields with new values

identity : str

Alias for field number 2

options : int

Alias for field number 0

version : int

Alias for field number 1

class patroni.watchdog.linux. watchdog_info View on GitHub

Bases: Structure

_fields_ = [('options', 'ctypes.c_uint'>), ('firmware_version', 'ctypes.c_uint'>), ('identity', 'patroni.watchdog.linux.c_ubyte_Array_32'>)]

Structure/Union member


Structure/Union member


Structure/Union member