
Severity: Medium


2019-05-20 15:48:11.984914



PostgreSQL must generate audit records when unsuccessful accesses to objects occur.

NIST 800-53

STIG # Description Result
AU-12 AU-12: Audit Generation failed


Without tracking all or selected types of access to all or selected objects (tables, views, procedures, functions, etc.), it would be difficult to establish, correlate, and investigate the events relating to an incident or identify those responsible for one. In an SQL environment, types of access include, but are not necessarily limited to: SELECT INSERT UPDATE DROP EXECUTE To aid in diagnosis, it is necessary to keep track of failed attempts in addition to the successful ones.


Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary stdout APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. First, as the database administrator (shown here as “postgres”), create a schema, test_schema, create a table, test_table, within test_schema, and insert a value: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c “CREATE SCHEMA test_schema” $ psql -c “CREATE TABLE test_schema.test_table(id INT)” $ psql -c “INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table(id) VALUES (0)” Next, create a role ‘bob’ and attempt to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DROP from the test table: $ psql -c “CREATE ROLE BOB” $ psql -c “SELECT * FROM test_schema.test_table” $ psql -c “INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table VALUES (0)” $ psql -c “UPDATE test_schema.test_table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0” $ psql -c “DROP TABLE test_schema.test_table” $ psql -c “DROP SCHEMA test_schema” Now, as the database administrator (shown here as “postgres”), review PostgreSQL/database security and audit settings to verify that audit records are created for unsuccessful attempts at the specified access to the specified objects: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/pg_log/2016-03-30 17:23:41.254 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema at character 15 2016-03-30 17:23:41.254 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: SELECT * FROM test_schema.test_table; 2016-03-30 17:23:53.973 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema at character 13 2016-03-30 17:23:53.973 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table VALUES (0); 2016-03-30 17:24:32.647 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema at character 8 2016-03-30 17:24:32.647 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: UPDATE test_schema.test_table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0; 2016-03-30 17:24:46.197 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema 2016-03-30 17:24:46.197 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: DROP TABLE test_schema.test_table; 2016-03-30 17:24:51.582 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: must be owner of schema test_schema 2016-03-30 17:24:51.582 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: DROP SCHEMA test_schema; If any of the above steps did not create audit records for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DROP, this is a finding.


Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to access objects occur. All errors and denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary stdout APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.

Test Results

Command: `sed -nre '/2019-05-16 08:11.*LOG:\s+starting tests for V-72951/,$p' /var/vcap/sys/log/postgresql/Thu.pg_log` stdout should match /ERROR:\s+permission denied for schema test_schema/ passed
Command: `sed -nre '/2019-05-16 08:11.*LOG:\s+starting tests for V-72951/,$p' /var/vcap/sys/log/postgresql/Thu.pg_log` stdout should match /ERROR:\s+must be owner of schema test_schema/ passed
Command: `sed -nre '/2019-05-16 08:11.*LOG:\s+starting tests for V-72951/,$p' /var/vcap/sys/log/postgresql/Thu.pg_log` stdout should match /STATEMENT:\s+SET\ ROLE\ inspec_v72951_role;\ SELECT\ \*\ FROM\ test_schema\.test_table;/ passed
Command: `sed -nre '/2019-05-16 08:11.*LOG:\s+starting tests for V-72951/,$p' /var/vcap/sys/log/postgresql/Thu.pg_log` stdout should match /STATEMENT:\s+SET\ ROLE\ inspec_v72951_role;\ INSERT\ INTO\ test_schema\.test_table\ VALUES\ \(0\);/ passed
Command: `sed -nre '/2019-05-16 08:11.*LOG:\s+starting tests for V-72951/,$p' /var/vcap/sys/log/postgresql/Thu.pg_log` stdout should match /STATEMENT:\s+SET ROLE inspec_v72951_role; UPDATE test_schema.test_table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0/ passed
Command: `sed -nre '/2019-05-16 08:11.*LOG:\s+starting tests for V-72951/,$p' /var/vcap/sys/log/postgresql/Thu.pg_log` stdout should match /STATEMENT:\s+SET ROLE inspec_v72951_role; DROP TABLE test_schema.test_table;/ passed
Command: `sed -nre '/2019-05-16 08:11.*LOG:\s+starting tests for V-72951/,$p' /var/vcap/sys/log/postgresql/Thu.pg_log` stdout should match /STATEMENT:\s+SET ROLE inspec_v72951_role; DROP SCHEMA test_schema;/ passed


control "V-72951" do
  title "PostgreSQL must generate audit records when unsuccessful accesses to
  objects occur."
  desc  "Without tracking all or selected types of access to all or selected
  objects (tables, views, procedures, functions, etc.), it would be difficult to
  establish, correlate, and investigate the events relating to an incident or
  identify those responsible for one.
  In an SQL environment, types of access include, but are not necessarily
  limited to:
  To aid in diagnosis, it is necessary to keep track of failed attempts in
  addition to the successful ones."
  impact 0.5
  tag "severity": "medium"
  tag "gtitle": "SRG-APP-000507-DB-000357"
  tag "gid": "V-72951"
  tag "rid": "SV-87603r1_rule"
  tag "stig_id": "PGS9-00-005700"
  tag "cci": "CCI-000172"
  tag "nist": ["AU-12 c", "Rev_4"]
  tag "check": "Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment
  variable. See supplementary stdout APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring
  First, as the database administrator (shown here as \"postgres\"), create a
  schema, test_schema, create a table, test_table, within test_schema, and
  insert a value:
  $ sudo su - postgres
  $ psql -c \"CREATE SCHEMA test_schema\"
  $ psql -c \"CREATE TABLE test_schema.test_table(id INT)\"
  $ psql -c \"INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table(id) VALUES (0)\"
  Next, create a role 'bob' and attempt to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DROP from
  the test table:
  $ psql -c \"CREATE ROLE BOB\"
  $ psql -c \"SELECT * FROM test_schema.test_table\"
  $ psql -c \"INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table VALUES (0)\"
  $ psql -c \"UPDATE test_schema.test_table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0\"
  $ psql -c \"DROP TABLE test_schema.test_table\"
  $ psql -c \"DROP SCHEMA test_schema\"
  Now, as the database administrator (shown here as \"postgres\"), review
  PostgreSQL/database security and audit settings to verify that audit records
  are created for unsuccessful attempts at the specified access to the specified
  $ sudo su - postgres
  $ cat ${PGDATA?}/pg_log/<latest_log>2016-03-30 17:23:41.254 EDT postgres
  postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema at character 15
  2016-03-30 17:23:41.254 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: SELECT *
  FROM test_schema.test_table;
  2016-03-30 17:23:53.973 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for
  schema test_schema at character 13
  2016-03-30 17:23:53.973 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: INSERT INTO
  test_schema.test_table VALUES (0);
2016-03-30 17:24:32.647 EDT postgres
  postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema at character 8
  2016-03-30 17:24:32.647 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT:
  UPDATE test_schema.test_table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0;
  2016-03-30 17:24:46.197 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for
  schema test_schema
  2016-03-30 17:24:46.197 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: DROP
  TABLE test_schema.test_table;
  2016-03-30 17:24:51.582 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: must be owner of schema
  2016-03-30 17:24:51.582 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: DROP SCHEMA
  If any of the above steps did not create audit records for SELECT, INSERT,
  UPDATE, and DROP, this is a finding."
  tag "fix": "Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful
  attempts to access objects occur.
  All errors and denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure that
  logging is enabled, review supplementary stdout APPENDIX-C for instructions
  on enabling logging."

  sql = postgres_session(PG_DBA, PG_DBA_PASSWORD, PG_HOST)
  log_directory_query = sql.query('SHOW log_directory;', [PG_DB])
  log_directory = log_directory_query.output
  current_log_command = "ls -1t #{log_directory}/*.pg_log | head -1"
  current_log = command(current_log_command).stdout.strip
  control = File.basename(__FILE__, File.extname(__FILE__))
  message = "starting tests for #{control}"
  message_sql = "DO language plpgsql $$ BEGIN "\
    "RAISE LOG '#{message}'; END $$;"
  start = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
  get_logs = "sed -nre '/#{start}.*LOG:\\s+#{message}/,$p' #{current_log}"

  create_schema = 'CREATE SCHEMA test_schema;'
  create_table = 'CREATE TABLE test_schema.test_table(id INT);'
  insert = 'INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table(id) VALUES (0);'
  create_role = 'CREATE ROLE bob;'
  set_role = 'SET ROLE bob;'
  drop_role = 'DROP ROLE bob;'
  role_select = "#{set_role} SELECT * FROM test_schema.test_table;"
  role_insert = "#{set_role} INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table VALUES (0);"
  role_update = "#{set_role} "\
    "UPDATE test_schema.test_table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0"
  drop_table = 'DROP TABLE test_schema.test_table;'
  role_drop_table = "#{set_role} #{drop_table}"
  drop_schema = 'DROP SCHEMA test_schema;'
  role_drop_schema = "#{set_role} #{drop_schema}"
  permission_denied = 'permission denied for schema test_schema'
  must_be_owner = 'must be owner of schema test_schema'

  sql.query(message_sql, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(create_schema, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(create_table, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(insert, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(create_role, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(role_select, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(role_insert, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(role_update, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(role_drop_table, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(role_drop_schema, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(drop_table, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(drop_schema, [PG_DB])
  sql.query(drop_role, [PG_DB])

  describe command(get_logs) do
    its('stdout') { should match /ERROR:\s+#{permission_denied}/ }
    its('stdout') { should match /ERROR:\s+#{must_be_owner}/ }
    its('stdout') { should match /STATEMENT:\s+#{Regexp.escape(role_select)}/ }
    its('stdout') { should match /STATEMENT:\s+#{Regexp.escape(role_insert)}/ }
    its('stdout') { should match /STATEMENT:\s+#{role_update}/ }
    its('stdout') { should match /STATEMENT:\s+#{role_drop_table}/ }
    its('stdout') { should match /STATEMENT:\s+#{role_drop_schema}/ }