
Configuration file

The configuration file is automatically read from the file config/pg_featureserv.toml in the directory the application starts in, if it exists.

If you want to specify a different file, use the --config commandline parameter to pass in a full path to the configuration file. When using the --config option, the local configuration file is ignored.

./pg_featureserv --config /opt/pg_featureserv/config.toml

If no configuration is specified, the server runs using internal defaults (which are the same as provided in the example configuration file below). Where possible, the program autodetects values such as the UrlBase.

The only required configuration is the DbConnection setting, if not provided in the environment variable DATABASE_URL. (This is not required if the server is run with the --test flag.)

An example configuration file is shown below.

# Accept connections on this subnet (default accepts on all)
HttpHost = ""

# Accept connections on this port
HttpPort = 9000

# Advertise URLs relative to this server name and path
# default is to look this up from incoming request headers
# Note: do not add a trailing slash.
# UrlBase = "http://localhost:9000/"

# String to return for Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
# CORSOrigins = "*"

# set Debug to true to run in debug mode (can also be set on cmd-line)
# Debug = true

# Read html templates from this directory
AssetsPath = "/usr/share/pg_featurserv/assets"

# Maximum duration for reading entire request (in seconds)
ReadTimeoutSec = 1

# Maximum duration for writing response (in seconds)
# Also controls maximum time for processing request
WriteTimeoutSec = 30

# Database connection
# postgresql://username:password@host/dbname
# DbConnection = "postgresql://username:password@host/dbname"

# Close pooled connections after this interval
# 1d, 1h, 1m, 1s, see
# DbPoolMaxConnLifeTime = "1h"

# Hold no more than this number of connections in the database pool
# DbPoolMaxConns = 4

# The default number of features in a response
LimitDefault = 20
# Maxium number of features in a response
LimitMax = 10000

# Title for this service
#Title = "pg-featureserv"
# Description of this service
#Description = "Crunchy Data Feature Server for PostGIS"

Configuration options


The IP address at which connections are accepted.


The IP port at which connections are accepted.


The Base URL is the URL endpoint at which the service is advertised. It is also used for any URL paths published by the service (such as URLs for links in response documents).

The UrlBase parameter specifies a value for the Base URL. This accomodates running the service behind a reverse proxy.

The provided URL should not have a trailing slash.

UrlBase =

If UrlBase is not set, pg_featureserv dynamically detects the base URL. Also, if the HTTP headers Forwarded or X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host are present, they are respected. Otherwise the base URL is determined by inspecting the incoming request.


The string to return in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header, which allows providing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).


Set to true to run in debug mode. This provides debug-level logging.


The directory containing file assets used by the service (such as the HTML templates). It may be more convenient to deploy the asset files in a location which is not relative to the service application path.


The maximum duration (in seconds) the service allows for reading the HTTP request. This can be relatively short, since service requests are small.


The maximum duration (in seconds) the service allows for processing and writing the HTTP response. This should be long enough to allow expected requests to complete, but not so long that the service can be saturated by long-running requests. Long request times may be caused by long execution times for database queries or functions, or by returning very large responses.


The connection to the database can be set in this parameter, using a Postgres connection string. The database connection can also be set via the DATABASE_URL environment variable, which takes precedence over this parameter.


The maximum duration for the lifetime for a pooled connection. Specified using a Go duration constant such as 1d, 2.5h, or 30m.


The maximum number of database connections held in the connection pool.


The default number of features in a response, if not specified by the limit query parameter.


The maximum number of features that can be returned in a response. This cannot be overridden by the limit query paramater.


The title for the service. Appears in the HTML web pages, JSON responses, and the log.


The description for the service. Appears in the HTML web pages and JSON responses.