
A powerful feature of Postgres is the ability to create user-defined functions. Functions allow encapsulating complex logic behind a simple interface (namely, providing some input arguments and getting output as a set of records). This makes them easy to publish via a simple web API.

Functions can execute any data processing that is possible to perform with Postgres and PostGIS. They can return either spatial or non-spatial results (as GeoJSON or plain JSON). They thus provide a further extension to the capabilities of the pg_featureserv API.

Potential uses for functions include:

  • Query a spatial database table or view with custom SQL, which can include more complex filters than the API provides, joins to other tables, or aggregation.
  • Query a non-spatial table or view to return data objects or a summary record. For example, this could be used to provide values for a client-side drop-down list or an autocomplete feature.
  • Generate spatial data controlled by a set of parameters.
  • Provide a geometric computation, by accepting a geometric input value and returning a single record containing the result.
  • Update data (as long as appropriate security is in place).

Publish database functions

The service can publish any function which returns a set of rows using the return type SETOF record or the equivalent (and more standard) TABLE (see the Postgres manual section on set-returning functions.)

Because there are usually many functions in a Postgres database, the service only publishes functions defined in the schemas specified in the FunctionIncludes configuration setting. By default the functions in the postgisftw schema are published.

A function specifies zero or more input parameters. An input parameter can be of any Postgres type which has a cast from a text representation. This includes the PostGIS geometry and geography types, which support text representations of WKT or WKB. Input parameter names are exposed as query parameters, so you should avoid using names which are existing API qeuery parameters. It is a nice idea to include DEFAULT values for parameters if possible, since this allows them to be omitted in requests and still provide results.

A function must return a set of records containing one or more columns, of any Postgres type. A spatial function is one whose result includes a column of type geometry or geography. Output from spatial functions is returned as GeoJSON datasets. Output from non-spatial functions is returned as JSON datasets.

Geometry values returned by a function can be in any coordinate system, but must have their SRID set to the appropriate value. If required, they are reprojected to geographic coordinates (SRID = 4326) in the output GeoJSON. If geometry is queried from an existing table, the SRID may already be set; otherwise the function should set it explicitly.

The comments on a function provides the metadata description.

The example below illustrates the basic structure of a spatial set-returning function. See the Examples section for further examples.

Example of a spatial function

This function returns a filtered subset of a table (created using the Natural Earth ne_50m_admin_0_countries dataset which is in EPSG:4326). The filter in this case is the first letters of the country name.

The name_prefix parameter includes a default value: this is useful for clients that read arbitrary function definitions and need a default value to fill into interface fields. The preview interface for pg_featureserv is an example.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION postgisftw.countries_name(
	name_prefix text DEFAULT 'A')
RETURNS TABLE(name text, abbrev text, continent text, geom geometry)
AS $$
    FROM ne.admin_0_countries t
    WHERE ILIKE name_prefix || '%';

COMMENT ON FUNCTION postgisftw.countries_name IS 'Filters the countries table by the initial letters of the name using the "name_prefix" parameter.';


  • The function is defined in the postgisftw schema.
  • Tt has a single input parameter name_prefix, with the DEFAULT value ‘A’.
  • It returns a table (set) of type (name text, geom geometry).
  • The function body is a simple SELECT query which uses the input parameter as part of a ILIKE filter, and returns a column list matching the output table definition.
  • The geometry values are assumed to carry an SRID specified in the queried table.
  • The function “volatility” is declared as STABLE because within a transaction context, multiple calls with the same inputs will return the same outputs. It is not marked as IMMUTABLE because changes in the base table can change the outputs over time, even for the same inputs.
  • The function is declared as PARALLEL SAFE because it doesn’t depend on any state that might be altered by making multiple concurrent calls to the function.

The function can be called via the API by providing a value for the name_prefix parameter (which could be omitted, due to the presence of a default value):


The response is a GeoJSON document containing the 13 countries starting with the letter ’T’.

As with feature collections, available functions can be listed, and each function can supply metadata describing it.

List functions

The path /functions returns a JSON document containing a list of the functions available in the service.



Each listed function is described by a subset of its metadata, including its id and description. A list of links provide URLs for accessing:

  • self - the function metadata
  • alternate - the function metadata as an HTML view
  • items - the function data items

Describe function metadata

The path /functions/{funid} returns a JSON object describing the metadata for a database function. {funid} is the name of the function. It is not schema-qualified, because functions are published from only one schema.



The response is a JSON document containing metadata about the function, including:

  • The function description
  • A list of the input parameters, described by name, type, description, and default value (if any)
  • A list of the properties and their JSON types

A list of links provides URLs for accessing:

  • self - the function metadata
  • alternate - the function metadata as an HTML view
  • items - the data items returned by querying the function