Table Layers

By default, pg_tileserv will provide access to only those spatial tables and views that:

  • your database connection has SELECT privileges for;
  • include a geometry column;
  • declare a geometry type; and,
  • declare an SRID (spatial reference ID).

For example:

CREATE TABLE mytable (
    geom Geometry(Polygon, 4326),
    pid text,
    address text
GRANT SELECT ON mytable TO myuser;

To restrict access to a certain set of tables, use database security principles:

  • Create a role with limited privileges
  • Only grant SELECT to that role for tables you want to publish
  • Only grant EXECUTE to that role for functions you want to publish
  • Connect pg_tileserv to the database using that role

Table Layer Detail JSON

In the detail JSON, each layer declares information relevant to setting up a map interface for the layer.

   "id" : "public.ne_50m_admin_0_countries",
   "geometrytype" : "MultiPolygon",
   "name" : "ne_50m_admin_0_countries",
   "description" : "Natural Earth countries",
   "schema" : "public",
   "bounds" : [
   "center" : [
   "tileurl" : "http://localhost:7800/public.ne_50m_admin_0_countries/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf",
   "properties" : [
         "name" : "gid",
         "type" : "int4",
         "description" : ""
         "name" : "featurecla",
         "description" : "",
         "type" : "varchar"
         "description" : "",
         "type" : "varchar",
         "name" : "name"
         "type" : "varchar",
         "description" : "",
         "name" : "name_long"
   "minzoom" : 0,
   "maxzoom" : 22
  • id, name, and schema are the fully qualified, table, and schema name of the database table.
  • bounds and center give the extent and middle of the data collection, in geographic coordinates. The order of coordinates in bounds is [minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat]. The order of coordinates in center is [lon, lat].
  • tileurl is the standard substitution pattern URL consumed by map clients like Mapbox GL JS and OpenLayers.
  • properties is a list of columns in the table, with their data types and descriptions. The description field can be set using the COMMENT SQL command, for example:
COMMENT ON COLUMN ne_50m_admin_0_countries.name_long IS 'This is the long name';

Table Tile Request Customization

Most developers will use the tileurl as is, but it’s possible to add parameters to the URL to customize behaviour at run time:

  • limit controls the number of features to write to a tile. The default is 50000.
  • resolution controls the resolution of a tile. The default is 4096 units per side for a tile.
  • buffer controls the size of the extra data buffer for a tile. The default is 256 units.
  • properties is a comma-separated list of properties to include in the tile. For wide tables with large numbers of columns, this allows a slimmer tile to be composed.

For example:


We recommend avoiding commas in property names. If necessary, you can URL encode the comma in the name string before composing the comma-separated string of all names.

  • filter is an expression in CQL specifying what features are included in the tile
  • filter-crs is the SRID of the coordinate reference system of any geometry literals in the CQL expression (the default is 4326)

Multi-Layer Tile Requests

For more complex applications, multi-layer tiles can be useful to cut down on the amount of HTTP requests to pull in vector tiles. Doing this with pg_tileserv is easy, just add additional tables to your request. You can add as many tables as you like to your request, just separate them with a comma.

For example:
