The Query tool is a powerful, feature-rich environment that allows you to execute arbitrary SQL commands and review the result set. You can access the Query tool via the Query Tool menu option on the Tools menu, or through the context menu of select nodes of the Browser tree control. The Query Tool allows you to:

  • Issue ad-hoc SQL queries.
  • Execute arbitrary SQL commands.
  • Save the data displayed in the output panel to a CSV file.
  • Review the execution plan of a SQL statement in either a text or a graphical format.
  • View analytical information about a SQL statement.

You can open multiple copies of the Query tool in individual tabs simultaneously. To close a copy of the Query tool, click the X in the upper-right hand corner of the tab bar.

The Query Tool features two panels:

  • The upper panel displays the SQL Editor . You can use the panel to enter, edit, or execute a query.
  • The lower panel displays the Data Output panel. The tabbed panel displays the result set returned by a query, information about a query’s execution plan, server messages related to the query’s execution, and a history of the queries invoked in the SQL Editor.

The Query Tool Toolbar

The Query Tool toolbar uses context-sensitive icons that provide shortcuts to frequently performed tasks. If an icon is highlighted, the option is enabled; if the icon is grayed-out, the task is disabled. Please note that disabled icons may support functionality accessed via the data editor .


Hover over an icon to display a tooltip that describes the icon’s functionality:

Icon Behavior Shortcut
Open File Click the Open File icon to display a previously saved query in the SQL Editor.

Click the Save icon to perform a quick-save of a previously saved query, or to access the Save menu:

  • Select Save to save the selected content of the SQL Editor panel in a file.
  • Select Save As to open a new browser dialog and specify a new location to which to save the selected content of the SQL Editor panel.

Use the Find menu to search, replace, or navigate the code displayed in the SQL Editor:

  • Select Find to provide a search target, and search the SQL Editor contents.
  • Select Find next to locate the next occurrence of the search target.
  • Select Find previous to move to the last occurrence of the search target.
  • Select Pesistent find to identify all occurrences of the search target within the editor.
  • Select Replace to locate and replace (with prompting) individual occurrences of the target.
  • Select Replace all to locate and replace all occurrences of the target within the editor.
  • Select Jump to navigate to the next occurrence of the search target.






Copy Click the Copy icon to copy the content that is currently highlighted in the Data Output panel.

Use options on the Edit menu to access text editing tools; the options operate on the text displayed in the SQL Editor panel:

  • Select Indent Selection to indent the currently selected text.
  • Select Unindent Selection to remove indentation from the currently selected text.
  • Select Inline Comment Selection to enclose any lines that contain the selection in SQL style comment notation.
  • Select Inline Uncomment Selection to remove SQL style comment notation from the selected line.
  • Select Block Comment to enclose all lines that contain the selection in C style comment notation. This option acts as a toggle.







Click the Execute/Refresh icon to either execute or refresh the query highlighted in the SQL editor panel. Click the down arrow to access other execution options:

  • Select Execute/Refresh to invoke the SQL command and refresh the result set.

  • Select Explain to view an explanation plan for the current query. The result of the EXPLAIN is displayed graphically on the Explain tab of the output panel, and in text form on the Data Output tab.

  • Select Explain analyze to invoke an EXPLAIN ANALYZE command on the current query.

  • Navigate through the Explain Options menu to select options for the EXPLAIN command:

    Select Verbose to display additional information regarding the query plan.

    Select Costs to include information on the estimated startup and total cost of each plan node, as well as the estimated number of rows and the estimated width of each row.

    Select Buffers to include information on buffer usage.

    Select Timing to include information about the startup time and the amount of time spent in each node of the query.

  • Add a check next to Auto-Rollback to instruct the server to automatically roll back a transaction if an error occurs during the transaction.

  • Add a check next to Auto-Commit to instruct the server to automatically commit each transaction. Any changes made by the transaction will be visible to others, and durable in the event of a crash.




Stop Click the Stop icon to cancel the execution of the currently running query.
Clear query window

Use options on the Clear drop-down menu to erase display contents:

  • Select Clear Query Window to erase the content of the SQL Editor panel.
  • Select Explain analyze to invoke an EXPLAIN ANALYZE command on the current query.

the SQL editor panel or the History tab.

Download as CSV Click the Download as CSV icon to download the result set of the current query to a comma-separated list. You can specify the CSV settings through Preferences -> SQL Editor -> CSV output dialogue. F8

The SQL Editor Panel

The SQL editor panel is a workspace where you can manually provide a query, copy a query from another source, or read a query from a file. The SQL editor features syntax coloring and autocompletion.


To use autocomplete, begin typing your query; when you would like the Query editor to suggest object names or commands that might be next in your query, press the Control+Space key combination. For example, type "*SELECT * FROM* " (without quotes, but with a trailing space), and then press the Control+Space key combination to select from a popup menu of autocomplete options.


After entering a query, select the Execute/Refresh icon from the toolbar. The complete contents of the SQL editor panel will be sent to the database server for execution. To execute only a section of the code that is displayed in the SQL editor, highlight the text that you want the server to execute, and click the Execute/Refresh icon.


The message returned by the server when a command executes is displayed on the Messages tab. If the command is successful, the Messages tab displays execution details.


Options on the Edit menu offer functionality that helps with code formatting and commenting:

  • The auto-indent feature will automatically indent text to the same depth as the previous line when you press the Return key.
  • Block indent text by selecting two or more lines and pressing the Tab key.
  • Implement or remove SQL style or toggle C style comment notation within your code.

The Data Output Panel

The Data Output panel displays data and statistics generated by the most recently executed query.


The Data Output tab displays the result set of the query in a table format. You can:

  • Select and copy from the displayed result set.
  • Use the Execute/Refresh options to retrieve query execution information and set query execution options.
  • Use the Download as CSV icon to download the content of the Data Output tab as a comma-delimited file.

All rowsets from previous queries or commands that are displayed in the Data Output panel will be discarded when you invoke another query; open another query tool browser tab to keep your previous results available.

Use the Explain tab to view a graphical representation of a query:


To generate a graphical explain diagram, open the Explain tab, and select Explain , Explain Analyze , or one or more options from the Explain options menu on the Execute/Refresh drop-down. Please note that EXPLAIN VERBOSE cannot be displayed graphically. Hover over an icon on the Explain tab to review information about that item; a popup window will display information about the selected object:


Note that the query plan that accompanies the Explain analyze is available on the Data Output tab.

Use the Messages tab to view information about the most recently executed query:


If the server returns an error, the error message will be displayed on the Messages tab, and the syntax that caused the error will be underlined in the SQL editor. If a query succeeds, the Messages tab displays how long the query took to complete and how many rows were retrieved:


Use the Query History tab to review activity for the current session:


The Query History tab displays information about recent commands:

  • The date and time that a query was invoked.
  • The text of the query.
  • The number of rows returned by the query.
  • The amount of time it took the server to process the query and return a result set.
  • Messages returned by the server (not noted on the Messages tab).

To erase the content of the Query History tab, select Clear history from the Clear drop-down menu.