Version 3.0 - pgAdmin 4 4.13 documentation
Release date: 2018-03-22
This release contains a number of features and fixes reported since the release of pgAdmin4 2.1
Features ¶
Issue #1894
- Allow sorting when viewing/editing data
Issue #1978
- Add the ability to enable/disable UI animations
Issue #2895
- Add keyboard navigation options for the main browser windows
Issue #2896
- Add keyboard navigation in Query tool module via Tab/Shift-Tab key
Issue #2897
- Support keyboard navigation in the debugger
Issue #2898
- Support tab navigation in dialogs
Issue #2899
- Add configurable shortcut keys for various common options in the main window
Issue #2901
- Configurable shortcuts in the Debugger
Issue #2904
- Ensure clickable images/buttons have appropriate tooltips for screen readers
Issue #2950
- Add a marker (/
/) to the dashboard queries to allow them to be more easily filtered from server logs
Issue #2951
- Allow dashboard tables and charts to be enabled/disabled
Issue #3086
- Rewrite the runtime as a tray-based server which can launch a web browser
Issue #3098
- Unvendorize REACT so no longer required in our source tree
Issue #3140
- Add support for connecting using pg_service.conf files
Issue #3182
- Update Jasmine to v3
Issue #3184
- Add a French translation
Issue #3195
- Pass the service name to external processes
Issue #3246
- Update container build to use Alpine Linux and Gunicorn instead of CentOS/Apache
In addition, various changes were made for PEP8 compliance
Bug fixes ¶
Issue #1173
- Add a comment to the existing node
Issue #1925
- Fix issue resizing column widths not resizable in Query Tool after first query
Issue #2104
- Runtime update display file version and copyright year under installers properties
Issue #2249
- Application no longer hangs after reload in runtime
Issue #2251
- Runtime fixed OSX html scroll direction ignored in MacOS setup
Issue #2309
- Allow text selection/copying from disabled CodeMirror instances
Issue #2480
- Runtime update fix to Context Menus on Mac that do not work
Issue #2578
- Runtime update fix to HTML access keys that don’t work
Issue #2581
- Fix keyboard shortcut for text selection
Issue #2677
- Update Elephant icon for pgAdmin4 on Windows
Issue #2776
- Fix unreadable font via Remote Desktop
Issue #2777
- Fix spacing issue on server tree
Issue #2783
- Runtime update fixed blank screen on Windows Desktop
Issue #2906
- Correct display issues on HiDPI screens
Issue #2961
- Issues when creating a pgAgent Schedule
Issue #2963
- Fix unicode handling in the external process tools and show the complete command in the process viewer
Issue #2980
- Copy text from the Query tool into the clipboard adds invisible characters
Issue #2981
- Support keyboard navigation in the debugger
Issue #2983
- Fix intermittent specified_version_number ValueError issue on restart
Issue #2985
- Fix drag and drop issues
Issue #2998
- Don’t listen on port 443 if TLS is not enabled when launching the container
Issue #3001
- Runtime update fix scrolling with mouse wheel on mac pgAdmin 4.2.1
Issue #3002
- Fix block indent/outdent with configurable width
Issue #3003
- Runtime update fix copy to clipboard
Issue #3005
- Runtime update fix unable to select tabs in pgAdmin 4.2.1
Issue #3013
- Fix a minor UI issue on dashboard while displaying subnode control in Backgrid
Issue #3014
- Fix validation of sequence parameters
Issue #3016
- Ensure debug messages are available in "messages" window when error occurs
Issue #3021
- Update scan and index scan EXPLAIN icons for greater clarity
Issue #3027
- Ensure we capture notices raised by queries
Issue #3031
- Runtime issue causing double and single quotes not to work
Issue #3039
- Runtime issue causing wrong row counts on count column
Issue #3042
- Runtime issue causing empty dialog box when refreshing
Issue #3043
- Runtime issue causing word sizing in macOS High Sierra
Issue #3045
- Runtime issue causing copy cells issues copying cells for key binding
Issue #3046
- Fix connection status indicator on IE/FF
Issue #3052
- Don’t include sizes on primitive data types that shouldn’t have them when modifying columns
Issue #3054
- Ensure the user can use keyboard shortcuts after using button controls such as Cancel, Open and Save
Issue #3057
- Update the regression tests to fix issues with Python 3.5 and PG 9.2
Issue #3058
- Fix on-click handling of treeview nodes that wasn’t refreshing SQL/Dependencies/Dependents in some circumstances
Issue #3060
- Fix quoting of function names in RE-SQL
Issue #3066
- Ensure column names on indexes on views are properly quoted in RE-SQL
Issue #3067
- Prevent the filter dialog CodeMirror from overflowing onto the button bar of the dialog
Issue #3072
- Add a (configurable) limit to the number of pgAgent job history rows displayed on the statistics tab
Issue #3073
- Ensure the pgAgent job start/end time grid fields synchronise with the subnode control and validate correctly
Issue #3075
- Runtime issue causing Select, Update, and Insert script generation for a table fails to load
Issue #3077
- Remove dependency on standards_conforming_strings being enabled
Issue #3079
- Fix handling of tie/datetime array types when adding columns to a table
Issue #3080
- Fix alignment issues in keyboard shortcut options
Issue #3081
- Add missing reverse-engineered SQL header and drop statement for sequences
Issue #3090
- Ensure message severity is decoded when necessary by the driver
Issue #3094
- Ensure all messages are retrieved from the server in the Query Tool
Issue #3105
- Ensure we can properly update rows with upper-case primary key columns
Issue #3135
- Insert rows correctly when a table has OIDs and a Primary Key in uppercase
Issue #3122
- Ensure SSL options are pushed down to external tools like pg_dump
Issue #3129
- Handle opening of non-UTF8 compatible files
Issue #3137
- Allow copying of SQL from the dashboard tables
Issue #3138
- Fix tablespace tests for Python 3.x
Issue #3157
- Fix unicode handling in the external process tools and show the complete command in the process viewer
Issue #3171
- Runtime issue causing inability to scroll in File Selector with trackpad on OSX
Issue #3180
- Ensure Indexes are displayed on PG 10 tables
Issue #3196
- Ensure the file manager properly escapes file & directory names
Issue #3197
- Appropriately set the cookie path
Issue #3200
- Ensure the host parameter is correctly pickup up from the service file
Issue #3219
- Update required ChromeDriver version for current versions of Chrome
Issue #3226
- Move the field error indicators in front of the affected fields so they don’t obscure spinners or drop downs etc.
Issue #3244
- Show more granular timing info in the Query Tool history panel
Issue #3248
- Ensure Alertify dialogues are modal to prevent them being closed by mis-click