

Loading CSV Data with pgloader

CSV means comma separated values and is often found with quite varying specifications. pgloader allows you to describe those specs in its command.

The Command

To load data with pgloader you need to define in a command the operations in some details. Here\’s our example for loading CSV data:

     FROM 'path/to/file.csv' (x, y, a, b, c, d)
     INTO postgresql:///pgloader?csv (a, b, d, c)

     WITH truncate,
          skip header = 1,
          fields optionally enclosed by '"',
          fields escaped by double-quote,
          fields terminated by ','

      SET client_encoding to 'latin1',
          work_mem to '12MB',
          standard_conforming_strings to 'on'

    $$ drop table if exists csv; $$,
    $$ create table csv (
        a bigint,
        b bigint,
        c char(2),
        d text

The Data

This command allows loading the following CSV file content:

Header, with a © sign
"","","33996344","33996351","GB","United Kingdom"
"","","50331648","68257567","US","United States"
"","","68257600","68259583","US","United States"
"","","68259600","68296775","US","United States"

Loading the data

Here\’s how to start loading the data. Note that the ouput here has been edited so as to facilitate its browsing online:

$ pgloader csv.load
... LOG Starting pgloader, log system is ready.
... LOG Parsing commands from file "/Users/dim/dev/pgloader/test/csv.load"

       table name       read   imported     errors            time
-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
      before load          2          2          0          0.039s
-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
              csv          6          6          0          0.019s
-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
Total import time          6          6          0          0.058s

The result

As you can see, the command described above is filtering the input and only importing some of the columns from the example data file. Here\’s what gets loaded in the PostgreSQL database:

pgloader# table csv;
    a     |    b     | c  |       d        
 33996344 | 33996351 | GB | United Kingdom
 50331648 | 68257567 | US | United States
 68257568 | 68257599 | CA | Canada
 68257600 | 68259583 | US | United States
 68259584 | 68259599 | CA | Canada
 68259600 | 68296775 | US | United States
(6 rows)