

Loading MaxMind Geolite Data with pgloader

MaxMind provides a free dataset for geolocation, which is quite popular. Using pgloader you can download the lastest version of it, extract the CSV files from the archive and load their content into your database directly.

The Command

To load data with pgloader you need to define in a command the operations in some details. Here\’s our example for loading the Geolite data:

 * Loading from a ZIP archive containing CSV files. The full test can be
 * done with using the archive found at
 * http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity_CSV/GeoLiteCity-latest.zip
 * And a very light version of this data set is found at
 * http://pgsql.tapoueh.org/temp/foo.zip for quick testing.

   FROM http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity_CSV/GeoLiteCity-latest.zip
   INTO postgresql:///ip4r

     $$ create extension if not exists ip4r; $$,
     $$ create schema if not exists geolite; $$,
     $$ create table if not exists geolite.location
          locid      integer primary key,
          country    text,
          region     text,
          city       text,
          postalcode text,
          location   point,
          metrocode  text,
          areacode   text
     $$ create table if not exists geolite.blocks
          iprange    ip4r,
          locid      integer
     $$ drop index if exists geolite.blocks_ip4r_idx; $$,
     $$ truncate table geolite.blocks, geolite.location cascade; $$

        FROM FILENAME MATCHING ~/GeoLiteCity-Location.csv/
             WITH ENCODING iso-8859-1
                region     null if blanks,
                city       null if blanks,
                postalCode null if blanks,
                metroCode  null if blanks,
                areaCode   null if blanks
        INTO postgresql:///ip4r?geolite.location
                location point using (format nil "(~a,~a)" longitude latitude),
        WITH skip header = 2,
             fields optionally enclosed by '"',
             fields escaped by double-quote,
             fields terminated by ','

        FROM FILENAME MATCHING ~/GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv/
             WITH ENCODING iso-8859-1
                startIpNum, endIpNum, locId
        INTO postgresql:///ip4r?geolite.blocks
                iprange ip4r using (ip-range startIpNum endIpNum),
        WITH skip header = 2,
             fields optionally enclosed by '"',
             fields escaped by double-quote,
             fields terminated by ','

     $$ create index blocks_ip4r_idx on geolite.blocks using gist(iprange); $$;

Note that while the Geolite data is using a pair of integers (start, end) to represent ipv4 data, we use the very poweful ip4r PostgreSQL Extension instead.

The transformation from a pair of integers into an IP is done dynamically by the pgloader process.

Also, the location is given as a pair of float columns for the longitude and the latitude where PostgreSQL offers the point datatype, so the pgloader command here will actually transform the data on the fly to use the appropriate data type and its input representation.

Loading the data

Here\’s how to start loading the data. Note that the ouput here has been edited so as to facilitate its browsing online:

$ pgloader archive.load
... LOG Starting pgloader, log system is ready.
... LOG Parsing commands from file "/Users/dim/dev/pgloader/test/archive.load"
... LOG Fetching 'http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity_CSV/GeoLiteCity-latest.zip'
... LOG Extracting files from archive '//private/var/folders/w7/9n8v8pw54t1gngfff0lj16040000gn/T/pgloader//GeoLiteCity-latest.zip'

       table name       read   imported     errors            time
-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
         download          0          0          0         11.592s
          extract          0          0          0          1.012s
      before load          6          6          0          0.019s
-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
 geolite.location     470387     470387          0          7.743s
   geolite.blocks    1903155    1903155          0         16.332s
-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
          finally          1          1          0         31.692s
-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
Total import time    2373542    2373542          0        1m8.390s

The timing of course includes the transformation of the 1.9 million pairs of integer into a single ipv4 range each. The finally step consists of creating the GiST specialized index as given in the main command:

CREATE INDEX blocks_ip4r_idx ON geolite.blocks USING gist(iprange);

That index will then be used to speed up queries wanting to find which recorded geolocation contains a specific IP address:

ip4r> select *
        from      geolite.location l
             join geolite.blocks b using(locid)
       where iprange >>= '';

-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------
locid      | 223
country    | US
region     | 
city       | 
postalcode | 
location   | (-97,38)
metrocode  | 
areacode   | 
iprange    |

Time: 0.747 ms