Setting up exporters for pgmonitor
The exporters below can be set up on any Linux-based system, but the instructions below use RHEL/CentOS 7.
1.x -> 2.x
- See file for full details on what has changed in this major version upgrade.
- Many of the metric names in node_exporter v0.16.0 have had their names changed. All of the ones that pgmonitor uses in alerting and grafana related to CPU, Memory and Disk have been renamed. All files provided by pgmonitor 2.x have been updated to account for these changes so please either use these new files or see what has changed an incorporate them into your environment.
- The symlink for the postgres_exporter sysconfig file is no longer being used. The symlink is removed as part of the upgrade, so the default postgres_exporter service that previously used this may have to be updated. See the
Enable Services
section below for the correct systemctl command to create the new service name. The old service can then be disabled/removed. - The
check has been removed and pgmonitor now uses thepg_up
check built into postgres_exporter. Prometheus alerting and grafana dashboards have been updated to account for this. - A new metric
is used to help determine the primary/replica state of a given database in the grafana dashboards. The query for this can be found in queries_common.sql
Installation on RHEL/CentOS 7
With RPM Packages
There are RPM packages available to Crunchy Data customers through the Crunchy Customer Portal.
If you install the below available packages with RPM, you can continue reading at the Setup section.
Available Packages
Package Name | Description |
node_exporter | Base package for node_exporter |
postgres_exporter | Base package for postgres_exporter |
pgmonitor-pg10-extras | Crunchy optimized configurations for postgres_exporter (PostgreSQL 10) |
pgmonitor-pg96-extras | Crunchy optimized configurations for postgres_exporter (PostgreSQL 9.6) |
pgmonitor-pg95-extras | Crunchy optimized configurations for postgres_exporter (PostgreSQL 9.5) |
pgmonitor-pg94-extras | Crunchy optimized configurations for postgres_exporter (PostgreSQL 9.4) |
pgmonitor-node_exporter-extras | Crunchy optimized configurations for node_exporter |
pg_bloat_check | Package for pg_bloat_check script |
Without Packages
For non-package installations, the exporters & pg_bloat_check can be downloaded from their respective repositories:
Library | |
node_exporter | |
postgres_exporter | |
pg_bloat_check | |
User and Configuration Directory Installation
You will need to create a user named ccp_monitoring
which you can do with the following command:
sudo useradd ccp_monitoring
Create a folder in /var/lib/
and set its permissions as such:
sudo mkdir /var/lib/ccp_monitoring
sudo chmod 0700 /var/lib/ccp_monitoring
sudo chown ccp_monitoring /var/lib/ccp_monitoring
Configuration File Installation
All executables are expected to be in the /usr/bin
directory. A base node_exporter systemd file is expected to be in place already. An example one can be found here:
The files contained in this repository are assumed to be installed in the following locations with the following names. In the instructions below, you should replace a double-hash (##
) with the two-digit major version of PostgreSQL you are running (ex: 95, 96, 10, etc.).
The node_exporter data directory should be /var/lib/ccp_monitoring/node_exporter
and owned by the ccp_monitoring
user. You can set it up with:
sudo mkdir /var/lib/ccp_monitoring/node_exporter
sudo chmod 0700 /var/lib/ccp_monitoring/node_exporter
sudo chown ccp_monitoring /var/lib/ccp_monitoring/node_exporter
The following pgmonitor configuration files should be placed according to the following mapping:
pgmonitor Configuration File | System Location |
node/crunchy-node-exporter-service-el7.conf | /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service.d/crunchy-node-exporter-service-el7.conf |
node/sysconfig.node_exporter | /etc/sysconfig/node_exporter |
The following pgmonitor configuration files should be placed according to the following mapping:
pgmonitor Configuration File | System Location |
crontab.txt | /etc/postgres_exporter/##/crontab.txt |
postgres/crunchy_postgres_exporter@.service | /usr/lib/systemd/system/crunchy_postgres_exporter@.service |
postgres/sysconfig.postgres_exporter_pg## | /etc/sysconfig/postgres_exporter_pg## |
postgres/functions_pg##.sql | /etc/postgres_exporter/##/functions_pg##.sql |
postgres/queries_pg##.yml | /etc/postgres_exporter/##/queries_pg##.yml |
postgres/queries_common.yml | /etc/postgres_exporter/##/queries_common.yml |
postgres/queries_per_db.yml | /etc/postgres_exporter/##/queries_per_db.yml |
postgres/queries_bloat.yml | /etc/postgres_exporter/##/queries_bloat.yml |
postgres/queries_pg_stat_statements.yml | /etc/postgres_exporter/##/queries_pg_stat_statements.yml |
Setup on RHEL/CentOS 7
Service Configuration
The following files contain defaults that should enable the exporters to run effectively on your system for the purposes of using pgmonitor. You should take some time to review them.
If you need to modify them, see the notes in the files for more details and recommendations:
- /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service.d/crunchy-node-exporter-service-el7.conf
- /etc/sysconfig/node_exporter
- /etc/sysconfig/postgres_exporter_pg##
Note that /etc/sysconfig/postgres_exporter_pg##
is the default sysconfig file for monitoring the database running on the default port 5432 and connects to the “postgres” database. If you’ve installed the pgmonitor functions to a different database, modify this file accordingly or make a new one. If you make a new one, ensure the service name you enable references this file (see the Enable Services section below ).
Database Configuration
General Configuration
First, make sure you have installed the PostgreSQL contrib modules. You can install them with the following command:
sudo yum install postgresqlXX-contrib
Where XX
corresponds to your current PostgreSQL version. For PostgreSQL 10 this would be:
sudo yum install postgresql10-contrib
You will need to modify your postgresql.conf
configuration file to tell PostgreSQL to load shared libraries. In the default setup, this file can be found at /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/postgresql.conf
Modify your postgresql.conf
configuration file to add the following shared libraries
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements,auto_explain'
You will need to restart your PostgreSQL instance for the change to take effect.
For each database you are planning to monitor, you will need to run the following command as a PostgreSQL superuser:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
If you want for the pg_stat_statements
extension to be available in all newly created databases, you can run the following command as a PostgreSQL superuser:
psql -d template1 -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;"
Monitoring Setup
Query File | Description |
functions_pg10.sql | Creates ccp_monitoring role with all necessary grants. Creates any extra monitoring functions required. |
functions_pg92-96.sql | Creates ccp_monitoring role with all necessary grants. Creates any extra monitoring functions required. |
queries_bloat.yml | postgres_exporter query file to allow bloat monitoring. |
queries_common.yml | postgres_exporter query file with minimal recommended queries that are common across all PG versions. |
queries_per_db.yml | postgres_exporter query file with queries that gather per databse stats. WARNING: If your database has many tables this can greatly increase the storage requirements for your prometheus database. If necessary, edit the query to only gather tables you are interested in statistics for. The Vacuum graph on the PostgreSQLDetails Dashboard and the CRUD_Details Dashboard use these statistics. |
queries_pg10.yml | postgres_exporter query file for queries that are specific to PostgreSQL 10+. |
queries_pg92-96.yml | postgres_exporter query file for queries that are specific to PostgreSQL 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, & 9.6. |
queries_pg_stat_statements.yml | postgres_exporter query file for gathering pg_stat_statements stastistics. Currently not used in any Grafana Dashboards. |
Install functions to all databases you will be monitoring in the cluster (if you don’t have pg_stat_statements
installed, you can ignore the error given). The queries common to all postgres versions are contained in queries_common.yml
. Major version specific queries are contained in a relevantly named file. Queries for more specialized monitoring are contained in additional files. postgres_exporter only takes a single query file as an argument for custom queries, so cat together the queries necessary into a single file.
For example, to use just the common queries for PostgreSQL 9.6 do the following. Note the location of the final queries file is based on the major version installed. The exporter service will look in the relevant version folder in the /etc/postgres_exporter
cd /etc/postgres_exporter/96
cat queries_common.yml queries_per_db.yml queries_pg92-96.yml > queries.yml
psql -f /etc/postgres_exporter/96/functions_pg92-96.sql
As another example, to include queries for PostgreSQL 10 as well as bloat do the following:
cd /etc/postgres_exporter/10
cat queries_common.yml queries_per_db.yml queries_pg10.yml queries_bloat.yml > queries.yml
psql -f /etc/postgres_exporter/10/functions_pg10.sql
For replica servers, the setup is the same except that the functions_pg##.sql file does not need to be run since writes cannot be done there and it was already run on the master.
Access Control: GRANT statements
The ccp_monitoring
database role (created by running the “functions_pg##.sql” file above) must be allowed to connect to all databases in the cluster. To do this, run the following command to generate the necessary GRANT statements:
SELECT 'GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "' || datname || '" TO ccp_monitoring;'
FROM pg_database
WHERE datallowconn = true;
This should generate one or more statements similar to the following:
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "postgres" TO ccp_monitoring;
Bloat setup
Run script on the specific database(s) you will be monitoring bloat for in the cluster. See special note in crontab.txt concerning a superuser requirement for using this script
psql -d postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION pgstattuple;"
/usr/bin/ -c "host=localhost dbname=postgres user=postgres" --create_stats_table
psql -d postgres -c "GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,TRUNCATE ON bloat_indexes, bloat_stats, bloat_tables TO ccp_monitoring;"
In the default pgmonitor setup, the
script is meant to be run by the ccp_monitoring
system user created earlier. The /etc/postgres_exporter/##/crontab.txt
file is meant to be a guide for how you setup the ccp_monitoring
crontab. You should modify crontab entries to schedule your bloat check for off-peak hours. This script is meant to be run at most, once a week. Once a month is usually good enough for most databases as long as the results are acted upon quickly.
The script requires being run by a database superuser by default since it must be able to run a scan on every table. If you’d like to not run it as a superuser, you will have to create a new role that has read permissions on all tables in all schemas that are to be monitored for bloat. You can then change the user in the connection string option to the script.
Enable Services
sudo systemctl enable node_exporter
sudo systemctl start node_exporter
sudo systemctl status node_exporter
To most easily allow the possibility of multiple postgres exporters, running multiple major versions of PostgreSQL, and to avoid maintaining many similar service files, a systemd template service file is used. The name of the sysconfig EnvironmentFile to be used by the service is passed as the value after the “@” and before “.service” in the service name. The default exporter’s EnvironmentFile is named “postgres_exporter_pg##” and tied to the major version of postgres that it was installed for. Be sure to replace the ## in the below commands first!
sudo systemctl enable crunchy_postgres_exporter@postgres_exporter_pg##.service
sudo systemctl start crunchy_postgres_exporter@postgres_exporter_pg##
sudo systemctl status crunchy_postgres_exporter@postgres_exporter_pg##
Running multiple postgres exporters (RHEL / CentOS 7)
Certain metrics are not cluster-wide, so in that case multiple exporters must be run to collect all relevant metrics. The queries_perdb.yml file contains these queries and the secondary exporter(s) can use this file to collect those metrics and avoid duplicating cluster-wide metrics. Note that some other metrics are per database as well (bloat). You can then define multiple targets for that job in Prometheus so that all the metrics are collected together. Note that the “functions*.sql” file does not need to be run on these additional databases.
cd /etc/postgres_exporter/96
cat queries_per_db.yml queries_bloat.yml > queries_mydb.yml
You’ll need to create a new sysconfig environment file for the second exporter service. You can just copy the existing ones and modify the relevant lines, mainly being the port, database name, and query file
cp /etc/sysconfig/postgres_exporter_pg## /etc/sysconfig/postgres_exporter_mydb
OPT="--web.listen-address= --extend.query-path=/etc/postgres_exporter/96/queries_mydb.yml"
Since a systemd template is used for the postgres_exporter services, all you need to do is pass the sysconfig file name as part of the new service name.
sudo systemctl enable crunchy_postgres_exporter@postgres_exporter_mydb.service
sudo systemctl start cruncy_postgres_exporter@postgres_exporter_mydb
sudo systemctl status crunchy_postgres_exporter@postgres_exporter_mydb
Lastly, update the Prometheus auto.d target file to include the new exporter in the same one you already had running for this system
Note for packaging (RHEL/CENTOS 7)
The service override file(s) must be placed in the relevant drop-in folder to override the default service files.
After a daemon-reload, systemd should automatically find these files and the crunchy services should work as intended.
Installation / Setup on RHEL/CentOS 6
The node_exporter and postgres_exporter services on RHEL6 require the “daemonize” package that is part of the EPEL repository. This can be turned on by running:
sudo yum install epel-release
All setup for the exporters is the same on RHEL6 as it was for 7 with the exception of the base service files. Whereas RHEL7 uses systemd, RHEL6 uses init.d. The Crunchy RHEL6 packages will create the base service files for you
Note that these service files are managed by the package and any changes you make to them could be overwritten by future updates. If you need to customize the service files for RHEL6, it’s recommended making a copy and editing/using those.
Or if you are setting this up manually, the repository file locations and expected directories are:
node/crunchy-node-exporter-el6.service -> /etc/init.d/crunchy-postgres-exporter
postgres/crunchy-postgres-exporter-el6.service -> /etc/init.d/crunchy-postgres-exporter
/var/log/postgres_exporter/ (owned by postgres_exporter service user)
/var/log/node_exporter/ (owned by node_exporter service user)
The same /etc/sysconfig files that are used in RHEL7 above are also used in RHEL6, so follow guidance above concerning them and the notes that are contained in the files themselves.
Once the files are in place, set the service to start on boot, then manually start it
sudo chkconfig crunchy-node-exporter on
sudo service crunchy-node-exporter start
sudo service crunchy-node-exporter status
sudo chkconfig crunchy-postgres-exporter on
sudo service crunchy-postgres-exporter start
sudo service crunchy-postgres-exporter status
Running multiple postgres exporters (RHEL / CentOS 6)
If you need to run multiple postgres_exporter services, follow the same instructions as RHEL / CentOS 7 for making a new queries_XX.yml file to only gather database specific metrics. Then follow the steps below:
- Make a copy of the /etc/sysconfig file with a new name
- Update --web.listen-address in the new sysconfig file to use a new port number
- Update --extend.query-path in the new sysconfig file to point to the new query file generated
- Update the DATA_SOURCE_NAME in the new sysconfig file to point to the name of the database to be monitored
- Make a copy of the /etc/init.d/crunchy-postgres-exporter with a new name
- Update the SYSCONFIG variable in the new init.d file to match the new sysconfig file
- Update the Prometheus auto.d target file to include the new exporter in the same one you already had running for this system
Remaining steps to initialize service at boot and start it up should be the same as above for the default service.