Release 3.7.19

Release Date: 2021-05-20

A.53.1. Bug fixes

  • Doc: fix description about heartbeat_device . (Tatsuo Ishii)

    It did not mention the parameter can only be used if Pgpool-II started as root.

  • Fix watchdog_setup to create database cluster entity under pgpool0. (Tatsuo Ishii)

  • Fix pgpool crash when query cache enabled. ( bug 700 ) (Tatsuo Ishii)

    Pgpool-II crashed upon receiving CloseComplete. This only happened in other than streaming and logical replication mode.

  • Fix that query cache is not created in other than streaming and logical replication mode. (Tatsuo Ishii)

  • Enhance debug message upon receiving startup packet. (Tatsuo Ishii)

  • Doc: enhance documentation. (Tatsuo Ishii, Bo Peng)