--key-file= KEY_FILE -
Set the path to the encryption key file. Default is the .pgpoolkey file located in the users home directory, which can be overridden by the environment variable PGPOOLKEYFILE .
--enc-key= ENCRYPTION_KEY -
Encryption key to be used for encrypting database passwords.
--config-file= CONFIG_FILE -
Specifies the pgpool.conf file.
--input-file= INPUT_FILE -
Specifies file containing username and password pairs.
--prompt -
Prompt for database password using standard input.
--prompt-for-key -
Prompt for encryption key using standard input.
--update-pass -
Create encrypted password entry in the pool_passwd file.
--username= your_username -
Creates the pool_passwd entry for the database user called your_username .
--help -
Prints the help for pg_enc .
Note: If you are providing the password as an argument to pg_enc and the password contains a "$" character, you must escape it.
For example, if you want to use "ABC$123" as password,
pg_enc -m -f /path/to/pgpool.conf -u username ABC\$123
Here is an example output:
pg_enc -p db password: [your password]
./pg_enc foo trying to read key from file /home/pgpool/.pgpoolkey jglid1QRgiCl/vfhHUDyVA== pool_passwd string: AESjglid1QRgiCl/vfhHUDyVA==
pg_enc can be used for pool_passwd passwords with:
pg_enc -m -f /path/to/pgpool.conf -u username -p db password: [your password]
which will add an entry for username with the password given.
To avoid password prompt or password in command parameter, pg_enc can read user name:password pairs from file. It will add all user names and encrypted password to pool_passwd authentication file.
$ cat users.txt username1:secretpassword1 username2:secretpassword2 $ pg_enc -m -f /path/to/pgpool.conf -i users.txt trying to read key from file /home/pgpool/.pgpoolkey trying to read user:password pairs from file users.text $ cat /path/to/pool_passwd username1:AESrx5QdpGyW/+4CB80KWtwhg== username2:AESUAdohy7nCUhWliRI9WiYQA==