

pgpool_adm_pcp_health_check_stats --  a function to display health check statistics data on given node ID


pcp_health_check_stats returns record (integer node_id , text host , integer port , text username , text password , out node_id integer , out host text , out port integer , out status text , out role text , out last_status_change timestamp , out total_count bigint , out success_count bigint , out fail_count bigint , out skip_count bigint , out retry_count bigint , out average_retry_count bigint , out max_retry_count bigint , out max_health_check_duration bigint , out min_health_check_duration bigint , out average_health_check_duration float4 , out last_health_check timestamp , out last_successful_health_check timestamp , out last_skip_health_check timestamp , out last_failed_health_check timestamp );

pcp_health_check_stats returns record (integer node_id , text pcp_server , out node_id integer , out host text , out port integer , out status text , out role text , out last_status_change timestamp , out total_count bigint , out success_count bigint , out fail_count bigint , out skip_count bigint , out retry_count bigint , out average_retry_count bigint , out max_retry_count bigint , out max_health_check_duration bigint , out min_health_check_duration bigint , out average_health_check_duration float4 , out last_health_check timestamp , out last_successful_health_check timestamp , out last_skip_health_check timestamp , out last_failed_health_check timestamp );


pcp_health_check_stats displays health check statistics data on given node ID.



The index of backend node to get information of.


The foreign server name for pcp server.

Other arguments

See pcp_common_options .


Here is an example output:

test=# select * from pcp_health_check_stats(node_id => 0, host => '', port => 11001, username => 't-ishii', password => 't-ishii');
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------------+--------------------
node_id                       | 0
host                          | /tmp
port                          | 11002
status                        | up
role                          | primary
last_status_change            | 2020-02-25 16:05:29
total_count                   | 3
success_count                 | 3
fail_count                    | 0
skip_count                    | 0
retry_count                   | 0
average_retry_count           | 0
max_retry_count               | 0
max_health_check_duration     | 5
min_health_check_duration     | 3
average_health_check_duration | 4.333333
last_health_check             | 2020-02-25 16:05:47
last_successful_health_check  | 2020-02-25 16:05:47
last_skip_health_check        | 
last_failed_health_check      | 

See Table 1 for details of data.