Transformation - Family of functions (Experimental) - pgRouting Manual (3.2)
Transformation - Family of functions (Experimental)
Possible server crash
These functions might create a server crash
Experimental functions
They are not officially of the current release.
They likely will not be officially be part of the next release:
The functions might not make use of ANY-INTEGER and ANY-NUMERICAL
Name might change.
Signature might change.
Functionality might change.
pgTap tests might be missing.
Might need c/c++ coding.
May lack documentation.
Documentation if any might need to be rewritten.
Documentation examples might need to be automatically generated.
Might need a lot of feedback from the comunity.
Might depend on a proposed function of pgRouting
Might depend on a deprecated function of pgRouting
pgr_lineGraph - Experimental - Transformation algorithm for generating a Line Graph.
pgr_lineGraphFull - Experimental - Transformation algorithm for generating a Line Graph out of each vertex in the input graph.
This family of functions is used for transforming a given input graph \(G(V,E)\) into a new graph \(G'(V',E')\) .
See Also
Indices and tables