Java™ is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
A source tarball and four of binary builds can be found in the download area. Two for Windows and two for i386 based Linux. Although all pre-compiled binaries must run using a standard JVM, the PL/Java can also be compiled and linked using GNU GCJ. PL/Java has no pre-compiled binaries for GCJ but the make system contain what's needed to make the build easy.
Please note that all use of GCJ should be regarded as experimental. Due to limitations in the implementation of in some versions of GCJ the PL/Java trusted language implementation is, in fact, not trusted. At present this applies regardless of what GCJ version since the code is conditionally compiled.
Get the binary distribution of PL/Java for your platform. Unzip it into a directory of your own choice.
Get the PostgreSQL environment up and running. You will need to modify the
file. In order to find the PL/Java shared object, you can do one of two things. Either
you install the shared object in a directory already searched by the postmaster
(such as the data directory) or you tell the postmaster where to find it using the
. I.e. you have a setting similar to this:
dynamic_library_path = '$libdir:<pljava installation>'
Note that on the win32 platform you need to use a semicolon as a path separator and double backslashes (since backslash is the escape character in the postgresql.conf file) as directory separators.
In order to see the logging from the tests add the following:
Add the following entry:
custom_variable_classes = 'pljava'
pljava.classpath = <pljava installation>/pljava.jar
Unless you use GCJ, the postmaster must be made aware of the location of the shared objects used by the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Please note that this applies to the postmaster, i.e. the backend process, and not to the client. The client will not need these settings.
environment will work on most Linux/Unix platforms:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386/client
Apparently, on some Linux platforms you will also need to include $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386/native_threads.
An alternative to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is to edit the /etc/
file and then use /sbin/ldconfig on some Linux/Unix systems.
On some platforms there will be a conflict between the included in the JRE and the used by PostgreSQL (the JRE includes a The symptom is an InternalError in the when an attempt is made to load the first class. You can verify the version of using the following command:
strings | fgrep Copyright
The problem can be resolved in one of the following ways depending on your needs and ability to recompile:
, recompile and reinstall.
This will effetively disable all compression support in PostgreSQL.A standard install on a Windows box would be to add the following
entries to you PATH
set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\client
You are now ready to start the postmaster.
PL/Java adds a schema named SQLJ to the database (the naming is from the proposed
SQL standard for Java backend mapping) and adds a couple of tables and functions
to that schema. The deployment can be done in one of two ways. The simplest way
is probably to just execute the file install.sql
as a super user (the
will remove the PL/Java installation). PL/Java also comes with
deploy program that lets you install, reinstall, or uninstall PL/Java. This
program will assert that you indeed are a super user and then execute the
correct commands using jdbc. In
order to run this program, you must see to that the PostgreSQL jdbc driver package
and the deploy.jar
file is in your
, then run:
java org.postgresql.pljava.deploy.DeployerThis will result in a list of options. Typically you would use something like:
java org.postgresql.pljava.deploy.Deployer -install
That's all there's to it. You are now ready to start using the PL/Java system.
The tests are divided into two jar files. One is the client part found in the test.jar
. It contains some methods that executes
SQL statements and prints the output (all contained there can of course also be
executed from psql or any other client). The other is the examples.jar
which contains the sample code that runs in the backend. The latter must be installed
in the database in order to function. An easy way to do this is to use psql and
issue the command:
SELECT sqlj.install_jar('file:///some/directory/examples.jar', 'samples', true);
Please note that the deployment descriptor stored in examples.jar will attempt
to create the schema javatest
so the user that executes the sqlj.install_jar
must have permission to do that. If this command succeeds, everything is working correctly. You may get a couple
of errors here though.
cannot be found. CLASSPATH
seen by the postmaster
is incorrect so that the pljava.jar is not found.dynamic_library_path
in the postgresql.conf
file is incorrect.Once loaded, you must also set the classpath used by the PL/Java runtime. This
classpath is set per schema (namespace). A schema that lacks a classpath will default
to the classpath that has been set for the public schema. The tests will use the
schema javatest
. To define the classpath for this schema, simply use
psql and issue the command:
SELECT sqlj.set_classpath('javatest', 'samples');
The first argument is the name of the schema, the second is a colon separated list of jar names. The names must reflect jars that are installed in the system.
NOTE: If you don't use schemas, you must still issue the set_classpath command to assign a correct classpath to the 'public' schema. This can only be done by a super user.
Now, you should be able to run the tests:
java org.postgresql.pljava.test.Tester
Building should be very stright forward: