

ST_MakeEnvelope — Creates a rectangular Polygon formed from the given minimums and maximums. Input values must be in SRS specified by the SRID.


geometry ST_MakeEnvelope ( double precision xmin , double precision ymin , double precision xmax , double precision ymax , integer srid=unknown ) ;


Creates a rectangular Polygon formed from the minima and maxima. by the given shell. Input values must be in SRS specified by the SRID. If no SRID is specified the unknown spatial reference system is assumed

Availability: 1.5

Enhanced: 2.0: Ability to specify an envelope without specifying an SRID was introduced.

Example: Building a bounding box polygon

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_MakeEnvelope(10, 10, 11, 11, 4326));

POLYGON((10 10, 10 11, 11 11, 11 10, 10 10))