ST_ClusterDBSCAN — Window function that returns a cluster id for each input geometry using the DBSCAN algorithm.
geometry winset
, float8
, integer
Returns cluster number for each input geometry, based on a 2D implementation of the
Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN)
algorithm. Unlike
, it does not require the number of clusters to be specified, but instead
uses the desired
) and density (
) parameters to construct each cluster.
An input geometry will be added to a cluster if it is either:
Note that border geometries may be within
distance of core geometries in more than one cluster; in this
case, either assignment would be correct, and the border geometry will be arbitrarily asssigned to one of the available clusters.
In these cases, it is possible for a correct cluster to be generated with fewer than
When assignment of a border geometry is ambiguous, repeated calls to ST_ClusterDBSCAN will produce identical results if an ORDER BY
clause is included in the window definition, but cluster assignments may differ from other implementations of the same algorithm.
![]() |
Input geometries that do not meet the criteria to join any other cluster will be assigned a cluster number of NULL. |
Availability: 2.3.0
Assigning a cluster number to each polygon within 50 meters of each other. Require at least 2 polygons per cluster
![]() within 50 meters at least 2 per cluster. singletons have NULL for cid
SELECT name, ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geom, eps := 50, minpoints := 2) over () AS cid FROM boston_polys WHERE name > '' AND building > '' AND ST_DWithin(geom, ST_Transform( ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-71.04054 42.35141)', 4326), 26986), 500);
name | bucket -------------------------------------+-------- Manulife Tower | 0 Park Lane Seaport I | 0 Park Lane Seaport II | 0 Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel | 0 Seaport Boston Hotel | 0 Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center | 0 Waterside Place | 0 World Trade Center East | 0 100 Northern Avenue | 1 100 Pier 4 | 1 The Institute of Contemporary Art | 1 101 Seaport | 2 District Hall | 2 One Marina Park Drive | 2 Twenty Two Liberty | 2 Vertex | 2 Vertex | 2 Watermark Seaport | 2 Blue Hills Bank Pavilion | NULL World Trade Center West | NULL (20 rows) |
Combining parcels with the same cluster number into a single geometry. This uses named argument calling
SELECT cid, ST_Collect(geom) AS cluster_geom, array_agg(parcel_id) AS ids_in_cluster FROM ( SELECT parcel_id, ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geom, eps := 0.5, minpoints := 5) over () AS cid, geom FROM parcels) sq GROUP BY cid;