ST_VoronoiPolygons — Returns the cells of the Voronoi diagram constructed from the vertices of a geometry.
ST_VoronoiPolygons computes a two-dimensional Voronoi diagram from the vertices of the supplied geometry. The result is a GeometryCollection of Polygons that covers an envelope larger than the extent of the input vertices. Returns null if input geometry is null. Returns an empty geometry collection if the input geometry contains only one vertex. Returns an empty geometry collection if the extend_to envelope has zero area.
Optional parameters:
'tolerance' : The distance within which vertices will be considered equivalent. Robustness of the algorithm can be improved by supplying a nonzero tolerance distance. (default = 0.0)
'extend_to' : If a geometry is supplied as the "extend_to" parameter, the diagram will be extended to cover the envelope of the "extend_to" geometry, unless that envelope is smaller than the default envelope (default = NULL, default envelope is boundingbox of input geometry extended by about 50% in each direction).
Performed by the GEOS module.
Availability: 2.3.0
![]() Points overlaid on top of Voronoi diagram
SELECT ST_VoronoiPolygons(geom) As geom FROM (SELECT 'MULTIPOINT (50 30, 60 30, 100 100,10 150, 110 120)'::geometry As geom ) As g;
-- ST_AsText output GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((-110 43.3333333333333,-110 270,100.5 270,59.3478260869565 132.826086956522,36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273,-110 43.3333333333333)), POLYGON((55 -90,-110 -90,-110 43.3333333333333,36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273,55 79.2857142857143,55 -90)), POLYGON((230 47.5,230 -20.7142857142857,55 79.2857142857143,36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273,59.3478260869565 132.826086956522,230 47.5)),POLYGON((230 -20.7142857142857,230 -90,55 -90,55 79.2857142857143,230 -20.7142857142857)), POLYGON((100.5 270,230 270,230 47.5,59.3478260869565 132.826086956522,100.5 270)))
![]() Voronoi with tolerance of 30 units
SELECT ST_VoronoiPolygons(geom, 30) As geom FROM (SELECT 'MULTIPOINT (50 30, 60 30, 100 100,10 150, 110 120)'::geometry As geom ) As g;
-- ST_AsText output GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((-110 43.3333333333333,-110 270,100.5 270,59.3478260869565 132.826086956522,36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273,-110 43.3333333333333)), POLYGON((230 47.5,230 -45.7142857142858,36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273,59.3478260869565 132.826086956522,230 47.5)),POLYGON((230 -45.7142857142858,230 -90,-110 -90,-110 43.3333333333333,36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273,230 -45.7142857142858)), POLYGON((100.5 270,230 270,230 47.5,59.3478260869565 132.826086956522,100.5 270)))
![]() Voronoi with tolerance of 30 units as MultiLineString
SELECT ST_VoronoiLines(geom, 30) As geom FROM (SELECT 'MULTIPOINT (50 30, 60 30, 100 100,10 150, 110 120)'::geometry As geom ) As g
-- ST_AsText output MULTILINESTRING((135.555555555556 270,36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273),(36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273,-110 43.3333333333333),(230 -45.7142857142858,36.8181818181818 92.2727272727273))