--- title: "ST_AddIsoEdge" draft: false hidden: true ---


ST_AddIsoEdge — Adds an isolated edge defined by geometry alinestring to a topology connecting two existing isolated nodes anode and anothernode and returns the edge id of the new edge.


integer ST_AddIsoEdge ( varchar atopology , integer anode , integer anothernode , geometry alinestring ) ;


Adds an isolated edge defined by geometry alinestring to a topology connecting two existing isolated nodes anode and anothernode and returns the edge id of the new edge.

If the spatial reference system (srid) of the alinestring geometry is not the same as the topology, any of the input arguments are null, or the nodes are contained in more than one face, or the nodes are start or end nodes of an existing edge, then an exception is thrown.

If the alinestring is not within the face of the face the anode and anothernode belong to, then an exception is thrown.

If the anode and anothernode are not the start and end points of the alinestring then an exception is thrown.

Availability: 1.1

This method implements the SQL/MM specification. SQL-MM: Topo-Geo and Topo-Net 3: Routine Details: X.3.4


See Also

ST_AddIsoNode , ST_IsSimple , ST_Within