title: "ST_CollectionHomogenize"
draft: false
hidden: true
ST_CollectionHomogenize — Returns the simplest representation of a geometry collection.
Given a geometry collection, returns the "simplest" representation of the contents.
Homogeneous (uniform) collections are returned as the appropriate multi-geometry.
Heterogeneous (mixed) collections are flattened into a single GeometryCollection.
Collections containing a single atomic element are returned as that element.
Atomic geometries are returned unchanged. If required, these can be converted to a multi-geometry using ST_Multi .
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This function does not ensure that the result is valid. In particular, a collection containing adjacent or overlapping Polygons will create an invalid MultiPolygon. This situation can be checked with ST_IsValid and repaired with ST_MakeValid . |
Availability: 2.0.0
Single-element collection converted to an atomic geometry
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CollectionHomogenize('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 0))')); st_astext ------------ POINT(0 0)
Nested single-element collection converted to an atomic geometry:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CollectionHomogenize('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(MULTIPOINT((0 0)))')); st_astext ------------ POINT(0 0)
Collection converted to a multi-geometry:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CollectionHomogenize('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 0),POINT(1 1))')); st_astext --------------------- MULTIPOINT((0 0),(1 1))
Nested heterogeneous collection flattened to a GeometryCollection:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CollectionHomogenize('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 0), GEOMETRYCOLLECTION( LINESTRING(1 1, 2 2)))')); st_astext --------------------- GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 0),LINESTRING(1 1,2 2))
Collection of Polygons converted to an (invalid) MultiPolygon:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CollectionHomogenize('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((10 50, 50 50, 50 10, 10 10, 10 50)), POLYGON ((90 50, 90 10, 50 10, 50 50, 90 50)))')); st_astext --------------------- MULTIPOLYGON(((10 50,50 50,50 10,10 10,10 50)),((90 50,90 10,50 10,50 50,90 50)))