title: "ST_GetFaceEdges"
draft: false
hidden: true
ST_GetFaceEdges — Returns a set of ordered edges that bound
, integer
Returns a set of ordered edges that bound
. Each output consists of a sequence and edgeid. Sequence numbers start with value 1.
Enumeration of each ring edges start from the edge with smallest identifier. Order of edges follows a left-hand-rule (bound face is on the left of each directed edge).
Availability: 2.0
This method implements the SQL/MM specification.
SQL-MM 3 Topo-Geo and Topo-Net 3: Routine Details: X.3.5
-- Returns the edges bounding face 1 SELECT (topology.ST_GetFaceEdges('tt', 1)).*; -- result -- sequence | edge ----------+------ 1 | -4 2 | 5 3 | 7 4 | -6 5 | 1 6 | 2 7 | 3 (7 rows)
-- Returns the sequence, edge id -- and geometry of the edges that bound face 1 -- If you just need geom and seq, can use ST_GetFaceGeometry SELECT t.seq, t.edge, geom FROM topology.ST_GetFaceEdges('tt',1) As t(seq,edge) INNER JOIN tt.edge AS e ON abs(t.edge) = e.edge_id;