title: "ST_ModEdgeSplit"
draft: false
hidden: true
ST_ModEdgeSplit — Split an edge by creating a new node along an existing edge, modifying the original edge and adding a new edge.
, integer
, geometry
Split an edge by creating a new node along an existing edge, modifying the original edge and adding a new edge. Updates all existing joined edges and relationships accordingly. Returns the identifier of the newly added node.
Availability: 1.1
Changed: 2.0 - In prior versions, this was misnamed ST_ModEdgesSplit
This method implements the SQL/MM specification.
SQL-MM: Topo-Geo and Topo-Net 3: Routine Details: X.3.9
-- Add an edge -- SELECT topology.AddEdge('ma_topo', ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(227592 893910, 227600 893910)', 26986) ) As edgeid; -- edgeid- 3 -- Split the edge -- SELECT topology.ST_ModEdgeSplit('ma_topo', 3, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(227594,893910),26986) ) As node_id; node_id ------------------------- 7
ST_NewEdgesSplit , ST_ModEdgeHeal , ST_NewEdgeHeal , AddEdge