title: "ST_NumPoints"
draft: false
hidden: true
ST_NumPoints — Returns the number of points in a LineString or CircularString.
Return the number of points in an ST_LineString or ST_CircularString value. Prior to 1.4 only works with linestrings as the specs state. From 1.4 forward this is an alias for ST_NPoints which returns number of vertices for not just linestrings. Consider using ST_NPoints instead which is multi-purpose and works with many geometry types.
This method implements the
OGC Simple Features
Implementation Specification for SQL 1.1.
This method implements the SQL/MM specification.
SQL-MM 3: 7.2.4
SELECT ST_NumPoints(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(77.29 29.07,77.42 29.26,77.27 29.31,77.29 29.07)')); --result 4