--- title: "ST_ReducePrecision" draft: false hidden: true ---


ST_ReducePrecision — Returns a valid geometry with points rounded to a grid tolerance.


geometry ST_ReducePrecision ( geometry g , float8 gridsize ) ;


Returns a valid geometry with all points rounded to the provided grid tolerance, and features below the tolerance removed.

Unlike ST_SnapToGrid the returned geometry will be valid, with no ring self-intersections or collapsed components.

Precision reduction can be used to:

  • match coordinate precision to the data accuracy

  • reduce the number of coordinates needed to represent a geometry

  • ensure valid geometry output to formats which use lower precision (e.g. text formats such as WKT, GeoJSON or KML when the number of output decimal places is limited).

  • export valid geometry to systems which use lower or limited precision (e.g. SDE, Oracle tolerance value)

Availability: 3.1.0.

Requires GEOS >= 3.9.0.


SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ReducePrecision('POINT(1.412 19.323)', 0.1));
 POINT(1.4 19.3)

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ReducePrecision('POINT(1.412 19.323)', 1.0));
 POINT(1 19)

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ReducePrecision('POINT(1.412 19.323)', 10));
 POINT(0 20)

Precision reduction can reduce number of vertices

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ReducePrecision('LINESTRING (10 10, 19.6 30.1, 20 30, 20.3 30, 40 40)', 1));
 LINESTRING (10 10, 20 30, 40 40)

Precision reduction splits polygons if needed to ensure validity

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ReducePrecision('POLYGON ((10 10, 60 60.1, 70 30, 40 40, 50 10, 10 10))', 10));
 MULTIPOLYGON (((60 60, 70 30, 40 40, 60 60)), ((40 40, 50 10, 10 10, 40 40)))

See Also

ST_SnapToGrid , ST_Simplify , ST_SimplifyVW