title: "ST_SetSRID"
draft: false
hidden: true
ST_SetSRID — Set the SRID on a geometry.
, integer
Sets the SRID on a geometry to a particular integer value. Useful in constructing bounding boxes for queries.
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This function does not transform the geometry coordinates in any way - it simply sets the meta data defining the spatial reference system the geometry is assumed to be in. Use ST_Transform if you want to transform the geometry into a new projection. |
This method implements the
OGC Simple Features
Implementation Specification for SQL 1.1.
This method supports Circular Strings and Curves.
-- Mark a point as WGS 84 long lat --
SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(-123.365556, 48.428611),4326) As wgs84long_lat; -- the ewkt representation (wrap with ST_AsEWKT) - SRID=4326;POINT(-123.365556 48.428611)
-- Mark a point as WGS 84 long lat and then transform to web mercator (Spherical Mercator) --
SELECT ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(-123.365556, 48.428611),4326),3785) As spere_merc; -- the ewkt representation (wrap with ST_AsEWKT) - SRID=3785;POINT(-13732990.8753491 6178458.96425423)