title: "postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers"
draft: false
hidden: true
postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers — A configuration option to set the enabled GDAL drivers in the PostGIS environment. Affects the GDAL configuration variable GDAL_SKIP.
A configuration option to set the enabled GDAL drivers in the PostGIS environment. Affects the GDAL configuration variable GDAL_SKIP. This option can be set in PostgreSQL's configuration file: postgresql.conf. It can also be set by connection or transaction.
The initial value of
may also be set by passing the environment variable
with the list of enabled drivers to the process starting PostgreSQL.
Enabled GDAL specified drivers can be specified by the driver's short-name or code. Driver short-names or codes can be found at GDAL Raster Formats . Multiple drivers can be specified by putting a space between each driver.
There are three special codes available for
In the standard PostGIS installation,
Additional information about GDAL_SKIP is available at GDAL's Configuration Options . |
Availability: 2.2.0
To set and reset
for current session
SET postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers = 'ENABLE_ALL'; SET postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers = default;
Set for all new connections to a specific database to specific drivers
ALTER DATABASE mygisdb SET postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers TO 'GTiff PNG JPEG';
Setting for whole database cluster to enable all drivers. Requires super user access. Also note that database, session, and user settings override this.
--writes to postgres.auto.conf ALTER SYSTEM SET postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers TO 'ENABLE_ALL'; --Reloads postgres conf SELECT pg_reload_conf();
ST_FromGDALRaster , ST_AsGDALRaster , ST_AsTIFF , ST_AsPNG , ST_AsJPEG , postgis.enable_outdb_rasters