

ST_SetValue — Returns modified raster resulting from setting the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or the pixels that intersect a particular geometry. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified.


raster ST_SetValue ( raster rast , integer bandnum , geometry geom , double precision newvalue ) ;

raster ST_SetValue ( raster rast , geometry geom , double precision newvalue ) ;

raster ST_SetValue ( raster rast , integer bandnum , integer columnx , integer rowy , double precision newvalue ) ;

raster ST_SetValue ( raster rast , integer columnx , integer rowy , double precision newvalue ) ;


Returns modified raster resulting from setting the specified pixels' values to new value for the designated band given the raster's row and column or a geometry. If no band is specified, then band 1 is assumed.

Enhanced: 2.1.0 Geometry variant of ST_SetValue() now supports any geometry type, not just point. The geometry variant is a wrapper around the geomval[] variant of ST_SetValues()


                -- Geometry example
SELECT (foo.geomval).val, ST_AsText(ST_Union((foo.geomval).geom))
FROM (SELECT ST_DumpAsPolygons(
                ST_Point(3427927.75, 5793243.95),
            ) As geomval
FROM dummy_rast
where rid = 2) As foo
WHERE (foo.geomval).val < 250
GROUP BY (foo.geomval).val;

 val |                                                     st_astext
  50 | POLYGON((3427927.75 5793244,3427927.75 5793243.95,3427927.8 579324 ...
 249 | POLYGON((3427927.95 5793243.95,3427927.95 5793243.85,3427928 57932 ...

-- Store the changed raster --
    UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetValue(rast,1, ST_Point(3427927.75, 5793243.95),100)
        WHERE rid = 2   ;