--- title: "CG_ApproximateMedialAxis" draft: false hidden: true ---


CG_ApproximateMedialAxis — Compute the approximate medial axis of an areal geometry.


geometry CG_ApproximateMedialAxis ( geometry geom ) ;


Return an approximate medial axis for the areal input based on its straight skeleton. Uses an SFCGAL specific API when built against a capable version (1.2.0+). Otherwise the function is just a wrapper around CG_StraightSkeleton (slower case).

Availability: 3.5.0

This method needs SFCGAL backend.

This function supports 3d and will not drop the z-index.

This function supports Polyhedral surfaces.

This function supports Triangles and Triangulated Irregular Network Surfaces (TIN).


SELECT CG_ApproximateMedialAxis(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 190 190, 10 190, 10 10, 190 10, 190 20, 160 30, 60 30, 60 130, 190 140, 190 190 ))'));

A polygon and its approximate medial axis

See Also
