--- title: "ST_Contains" draft: false hidden: true ---


ST_Contains — Tests if every point of B lies in A, and their interiors have a point in common


boolean ST_Contains ( geometry geomA , geometry geomB ) ;


Returns TRUE if geometry A contains geometry B. A contains B if and only if all points of B lie inside (i.e. in the interior or boundary of) A (or equivalently, no points of B lie in the exterior of A), and the interiors of A and B have at least one point in common.

In mathematical terms: ST_Contains(A, B) ⇔ (A ⋂ B = B) ∧ (Int(A) ⋂ Int(B) ≠ ∅)

The contains relationship is reflexive: every geometry contains itself. (In contrast, in the ST_ContainsProperly predicate a geometry does not properly contain itself.) The relationship is antisymmetric: if ST_Contains(A,B) = true and ST_Contains(B,A) = true , then the two geometries must be topologically equal ( ST_Equals(A,B) = true ).

ST_Contains is the converse of ST_Within . So, ST_Contains(A,B) = ST_Within(B,A) .


Because the interiors must have a common point, a subtlety of the definition is that polygons and lines do not contain lines and points lying fully in their boundary. For further details see Subtleties of OGC Covers, Contains, Within . The ST_Covers predicate provides a more inclusive relationship.


This function automatically includes a bounding box comparison that makes use of any spatial indexes that are available on the geometries. To avoid index use, use the function _ST_Contains .

Performed by the GEOS module

Enhanced: 2.3.0 Enhancement to PIP short-circuit extended to support MultiPoints with few points. Prior versions only supported point in polygon.


Enhanced: 3.0.0 enabled support for GEOMETRYCOLLECTION


Do not use this function with invalid geometries. You will get unexpected results.

NOTE: this is the "allowable" version that returns a boolean, not an integer.

This method implements the OGC Simple Features Implementation Specification for SQL 1.1. s2.1.1.2 // s2.1.13.3 - same as within(geometry B, geometry A)

This method implements the SQL/MM specification. SQL-MM 3: 5.1.31


ST_Contains returns TRUE in the following situations:





ST_Contains returns FALSE in the following situations:



Due to the interior intersection condition ST_Contains returns FALSE in the following situations (whereas ST_Covers returns TRUE ):



-- A circle within a circle
SELECT ST_Contains(smallc, bigc) As smallcontainsbig,
     ST_Contains(bigc,smallc) As bigcontainssmall,
     ST_Contains(bigc, ST_Union(smallc, bigc)) as bigcontainsunion,
     ST_Equals(bigc, ST_Union(smallc, bigc)) as bigisunion,
     ST_Covers(bigc, ST_ExteriorRing(bigc)) As bigcoversexterior,
     ST_Contains(bigc, ST_ExteriorRing(bigc)) As bigcontainsexterior
FROM (SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(1 2)'), 10) As smallc,
       ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(1 2)'), 20) As bigc) As foo;

-- Result
  smallcontainsbig | bigcontainssmall | bigcontainsunion | bigisunion | bigcoversexterior | bigcontainsexterior
 f                | t                | t                | t          | t        | f

-- Example demonstrating difference between contains and contains properly
SELECT ST_GeometryType(geomA) As geomtype, ST_Contains(geomA,geomA) AS acontainsa, ST_ContainsProperly(geomA, geomA) AS acontainspropa,
   ST_Contains(geomA, ST_Boundary(geomA)) As acontainsba, ST_ContainsProperly(geomA, ST_Boundary(geomA)) As acontainspropba
FROM (VALUES ( ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,1), 5,1) ),
       ( ST_MakeLine(ST_Point(1,1), ST_Point(-1,-1) ) ),
       ( ST_Point(1,1) )
    ) As foo(geomA);

  geomtype    | acontainsa | acontainspropa | acontainsba | acontainspropba
ST_Polygon    | t          | f              | f           | f
ST_LineString | t          | f              | f           | f
ST_Point      | t          | t              | f           | f


See Also

ST_Boundary , ST_ContainsProperly , ST_Covers , ST_CoveredBy , ST_Equals , ST_Within