--- title: "ST_DumpSegments" draft: false hidden: true ---


ST_DumpSegments — Returns a set of geometry_dump rows for the segments in a geometry.


geometry_dump[] ST_DumpSegments ( geometry geom ) ;


A set-returning function (SRF) that extracts the segments of a geometry. It returns a set of geometry_dump rows, each containing a geometry ( geom field) and an array of integers ( path field).

  • the geom field LINESTRING s represent the linear segments of the supplied geometry, while the CIRCULARSTRING s represent the arc segments.

  • the path field (an integer[] ) is an index enumerating the segment start point positions in the elements of the supplied geometry. The indices are 1-based. For example, for a LINESTRING the paths are {i} where i is the nth segment start point in the LINESTRING . For a POLYGON the paths are {i,j} where i is the ring number (1 is outer; inner rings follow) and j is the segment start point position in the ring.

Availability: 3.2.0

This function supports Triangles and Triangulated Irregular Network Surfaces (TIN).

This function supports 3d and will not drop the z-index.

Standard Geometry Examples

SELECT path, ST_AsText(geom)
    SELECT (ST_DumpSegments(g.geom)).*
    LINESTRING(1 1, 3 3, 4 4),
    POLYGON((5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 5 5))
)'::geometry AS geom
        ) AS g
) j;

  path   │      st_astext
 {1,1}   │ LINESTRING(1 1,3 3)
 {1,2}   │ LINESTRING(3 3,4 4)
 {2,1,1} │ LINESTRING(5 5,6 6)
 {2,1,2} │ LINESTRING(6 6,7 7)
 {2,1,3} │ LINESTRING(7 7,5 5)
(5 rows)

TIN and Triangle Examples

-- Triangle --
SELECT path, ST_AsText(geom)
    SELECT (ST_DumpSegments(g.geom)).*
        0 0,
        0 9,
        9 0,
        0 0
    ))'::geometry AS geom
        ) AS g
) j;

 path  │      st_astext
 {1,1} │ LINESTRING(0 0,0 9)
 {1,2} │ LINESTRING(0 9,9 0)
 {1,3} │ LINESTRING(9 0,0 0)
(3 rows)
-- TIN --
SELECT path, ST_AsEWKT(geom)
    SELECT (ST_DumpSegments(g.geom)).*
        0 0 0,
        0 0 1,
        0 1 0,
        0 0 0
    )), ((
        0 0 0,
        0 1 0,
        1 1 0,
        0 0 0
    )'::geometry AS geom
        ) AS g
) j;

  path   │        st_asewkt
 {1,1,1} │ LINESTRING(0 0 0,0 0 1)
 {1,1,2} │ LINESTRING(0 0 1,0 1 0)
 {1,1,3} │ LINESTRING(0 1 0,0 0 0)
 {2,1,1} │ LINESTRING(0 0 0,0 1 0)
 {2,1,2} │ LINESTRING(0 1 0,1 1 0)
 {2,1,3} │ LINESTRING(1 1 0,0 0 0)
(6 rows)

See Also

geometry_dump , Section 13.6, “PostGIS Geometry / Geography / Raster Dump Functions” , ST_Dump , ST_DumpRings