
pgo, the Postgres Operator Client from Crunchy Data

pgo: The Postgres Operator Client from Crunchy Data

Latest Release: 0.1.0

Install pgo

The following steps will allow you to download and install the pgo kubectl plugin in your local environment.


Depending on your deployment type, Kubernetes or OpenShift, kubectl or oc must be installed and configured in your environment. For the purposes of these instructions we will be using the kubectl client. The pgo kubectl plugin will use the role-based access controls (RBAC) that are configured for your kubectl client.

Download the binary

The kubectl-pgo binary is available either through the Crunchy Data Access Portal or via GitHub.

Installing the Client

Once downloaded, move the kubectl-pgo binary to /usr/local/bin and make it executable by running the following commands:

sudo mv /PATH/TO/kubectl-pgo /usr/local/bin/kubectl-pgo
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-pgo

Checking the plugin install

Now that the kubectl-pgo binary is installed on your PATH, it can be used as a kubectl plugin.

Run the following command to ensure that the plugin is working:

kubectl pgo version

or if running in OpenShift:

oc pgo version