Install PGO the Postgres Operator

PGO: Postgres Operator Installer


If you believe that all the default settings in the installation manifest work for you, you can take a chance by running the manifest directly from the repository:

kubectl create namespace pgo
kubectl apply -f

However, we still advise that you read onward to see how to properly configure the PostgreSQL Operator.


PGO comes with a container called pgo-deployer which handles a variety of lifecycle actions for the Postgres Operator, including:

  • Installation
  • Upgrading
  • Uninstallation

After configuring the Job template, the installer can be run using kubectl apply and takes care of setting up all of the objects required to run the PostgreSQL Operator.

The installation manifest, called postgres-operator.yaml, is available in the installers/kubectl/postgres-operator.yml path in the PostgreSQL Operator repository.



The pgo-deployer requires a ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding to run the installation job. Both of these resources are already defined in the postgres-operator.yml, but can be updated based on your specific environmental requirements.

By default, the pgo-deployer uses a ServiceAccount called pgo-deployer-sa that has a ClusterRoleBinding (pgo-deployer-crb) with several ClusterRole permissions. This is required to create the Custom Resource Definitions that power PGO. While the Postgres Operator itself can be scoped to a specific namespace, you will need to have cluster-admin for the initial deployment, or privileges that allow you to install Custom Resource Definitions. The required list of privileges are available in the postgres-operator.yml file:

If you have already configured the ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding for the installation process (e.g. from a previous installation), then you can remove these objects from the postgres-operator.yml manifest.

Config Map

The pgo-deployer uses a Kubernetes ConfigMap to pass configuration options into the installer. The ConfigMap is defined in the postgres-operator.yaml file and can be updated based on your configuration preferences.


By default, the installer will run in the pgo Namespace. This can be updated in the postgres-operator.yml file. Please ensure that this namespace exists before the job is run.

For example, to create the pgo namespace:

kubectl create namespace pgo

The Postgres Operator has the ability to manage PostgreSQL clusters across multiple Kubernetes Namespaces, including the ability to add and remove Namespaces that it watches. Doing so does require the PostgreSQL Operator to have elevated privileges, and as such, the PostgreSQL Operator comes with three “namespace modes” to select what level of privileges to provide:

  • dynamic: The default is the default mode. This enables full dynamic Namespace management capabilities, in which the PostgreSQL Operator can create, delete and update any Namespaces within the Kubernetes cluster, while then also having the ability to create the Roles, RoleBindings andService Accounts within those Namespaces for normal operations. The PostgreSQL Operator can also listen for Namespace events and create or remove controllers for various Namespaces as changes are made to Namespaces from Kubernetes and the PostgreSQL Operator’s management.

  • readonly: In this mode, the PostgreSQL Operator is able to listen for namespace events within the Kubernetes cluster, and then manage controllers as Namespaces are added, updated or deleted. While this still requires a ClusterRole, the permissions mirror those of a “read-only” environment, and as such the PostgreSQL Operator is unable to create, delete or update Namespaces itself nor create RBAC that it requires in any of those Namespaces. Therefore, while in readonly, mode namespaces must be preconfigured with the proper RBAC as the PostgreSQL Operator cannot create the RBAC itself.

  • disabled: Use this mode if you do not want to deploy the PostgreSQL Operator with any ClusterRole privileges, especially if you are only deploying the PostgreSQL Operator to a single namespace. This disables any Namespace management capabilities within the PostgreSQL Operator and will simply attempt to work with the target Namespaces specified during installation. If no target Namespaces are specified, then the Operator will be configured to work within the namespace in which it is deployed. As with the readonly mode, while in this mode, Namespaces must be preconfigured with the proper RBAC, since the PostgreSQL Operator cannot create the RBAC itself.

Configuration - postgres-operator.yml

The postgres-operator.yml file contains all of the configuration parameters for deploying PGO. The example file contains defaults that should work in most Kubernetes environments, but it may require some customization.

For a detailed description of each configuration parameter, please read the PostgreSQL Operator Installer Configuration Reference

Configuring to Update and Uninstall

The deploy job can be used to perform different deployment actions for the PostgreSQL Operator. When you run the job it will install the operator by default but you can change the deployment action to uninstall or update. The DEPLOY_ACTION environment variable in the postgres-operator.yml file can be set to install, update, and uninstall.

Image Pull Secrets

If you are pulling PGO images from a private registry, you will need to setup an imagePullSecret with access to the registry. The image pull secret will need to be added to the installer service account to have access. The secret will need to be created in each namespace that the PostgreSQL Operator will be using.

After you have configured your image pull secret in the Namespace the installer runs in (by default, this is pgo), add the name of the secret to the job yaml that you are using. You can update the existing section like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
    name: pgo-deployer-sa
    namespace: pgo
  - name: <image_pull_secret_name>

If the service account is configured without using the job yaml file, you can link the secret to an existing service account with the kubectl or oc clients.

# kubectl
kubectl patch serviceaccount <deployer-sa> -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "myregistrykey"}]}' -n <install-namespace>

# oc
oc secrets link <registry-secret> <deployer-sa> --for=pull --namespace=<install-namespace>


Once you have configured the PGO Installer to your specification, you can install the PostgreSQL Operator with the following command:

kubectl apply -f /path/to/postgres-operator.yml

Install the pgo Client

To use the pgo Client, there are a few additional steps to take in order to get it to work with you PostgreSQL Operator installation. For convenience, you can download and run the script in your local environment:

curl >
chmod +x
Running this script can cause existing pgo client binary, pgouser, client.crt, and client.key files to be overwritten.

The script performs the following tasks:

  • Sets $PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE to pgo if it is unset. This is the default namespace that the PostgreSQL Operator is deployed to
  • Checks for valid Operating Systems and determines which pgo binary to download
  • Creates a directory in $HOME/.pgo/$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE (e.g. /home/hippo/.pgo/pgo)
  • Downloads the pgo binary, saves it to in $HOME/.pgo/$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE, and sets it to be executable
  • Pulls the TLS keypair from the PostgreSQL Operator pgo.tls Secret so that the pgo client can communicate with the PostgreSQL Operator. These are saved as client.crt and client.key in the $HOME/.pgo/$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE path.
  • Pulls the pgouser credentials from the pgouser-admin secret and saves them in the format username:password in a file called pgouser
  • client.crt, client.key, and pgouser are all set to be read/write by the file owner. All other permissions are removed.
  • Sets the following environmental variables with the following values:

For convenience, after the script has finished, you can permanently at these environmental variables to your environment:

cat <<EOF >> ~/.bashrc
export PGO_CA_CERT="$HOME/.pgo/$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE/client.crt"

By default, the script targets the user that is stored in the pgouser-admin secret in the pgo ($PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE) Namespace. If you wish to use a different Secret, you can set the PGO_USER_ADMIN environmental variable.

For more detailed information about installing the pgo client, please see Installing the pgo client.

Verify the Installation

One way to verify the installation was successful is to execute the pgo version command.

In a new console window, run the following command to set up a port forward:

kubectl -n pgo port-forward svc/postgres-operator 8443:8443

Next, in another console window, set the following environment variable to configure the API server address:

cat <<EOF >> ${HOME?}/.bashrc

Apply those changes to the current session by running:

source ${HOME?}/.bashrc

Now run the pgo version command:

pgo version

If successful, you should see output similar to this:

pgo client version 4.5.4
pgo-apiserver version 4.5.4


To clean up the installer artifacts, you can simply run:

kubectl delete -f /path/to/postgres-operator.yml

Note that if you still have the ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding in there, you will need to have elevated privileges.

Installing the PGO Monitoring Infrastructure

Please see the PostgreSQL Operator Monitoring installation section for instructions on how to install the PostgreSQL Operator Monitoring infrastructure.