
If your Kubernetes cluster is already running the Operator Lifecycle Manager, then PGO, the Postgres Operator from Crunchy Data, can be installed as part of Crunchy PostgreSQL for Kubernetes that is available in OperatorHub.io.

Before You Begin

There are some optional Secrets you can add before installing PGO into your cluster.

Secrets (optional)

If you plan to use AWS S3 to store backups and would like to have the keys available for every backup, you can create a Secret as described below:

kubectl -n "$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE" create secret generic pgo-backrest-repo-config \
  --from-literal=aws-s3-key="<your-aws-s3-key>" \
kubectl -n "$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE" label secret pgo-backrest-repo-config \

Certificates (optional)

PGO has an API that uses TLS to communicate securely with clients. If you have a certificate bundle validated by your organization, you can install it now. If not, the API will automatically generate and use a self-signed certificate.

kubectl -n "$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE" create secret tls pgo.tls \
  --cert=/path/to/server.crt \


Create an OperatorGroup and a Subscription in your chosen namespace. Make sure the source and sourceNamespace match the CatalogSource from earlier.

kubectl -n "$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE" create -f- <<YAML
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: postgresql
  targetNamespaces: ["$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE"]

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: postgresql
  name: postgresql
  channel: stable
  source: operatorhubio-catalog
  sourceNamespace: olm
  startingCSV: postgresoperator.v4.7.17

After You Install

Once PGO is installed in your Kubernetes cluster, you will need to do a few things to use the PostgreSQL Operator Client.

Install the first set of client credentials and download the pgo binary and client certificates.

PGO_CMD=kubectl ./deploy/install-bootstrap-creds.sh
PGO_CMD=kubectl ./installers/kubectl/client-setup.sh

The client needs to be able to reach the PGO API from outside the Kubernetes cluster. Create an external service or forward a port locally.

kubectl -n "$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE" expose deployment postgres-operator --type=LoadBalancer

export PGO_APISERVER_URL="https://$(
  kubectl -n "$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE" get service postgres-operator \
    -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*]['ip','hostname']}"


kubectl -n "$PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE" port-forward deployment/postgres-operator 8443


Verify connectivity using the pgo command.

pgo version
# pgo client version 4.7.17
# pgo-apiserver version 4.7.17