
Crunchy Data announces the release of PGO, the Postgres Operator 5.0.8.

The PostgreSQL Operator is released in conjunction with the Crunchy Container Suite.

Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.0.8 introduces the following software components:

  • The orafce extension version 3.24.0.

Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.0.8 includes the following software versions upgrades:

  • PostgreSQL versions 14.5, 13.8, 12.12, 11.17, and 10.22 are now available.
  • Patroni is updated to version 2.1.4.
  • pgBackRest is updated to version 2.40.
  • PgBouncer is now at version 1.17.
  • The pg_partman extension is now at version 4.6.2.
  • The TimescaleDB extension is now at version 2.7.2.


  • A better timeout has been set for the pg_ctl start and stop commands that are run during a restore.
  • A restore can now be re-attempted if PGO is unable to cleanly start or stop the database during a previous restore attempt.