Embedded SQL Commands

Table of Contents
ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR -- allocate an SQL descriptor area
CONNECT -- establish a database connection
DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR -- deallocate an SQL descriptor area
DECLARE -- define a cursor
DESCRIBE -- obtain information about a prepared statement or result set
DISCONNECT -- terminate a database connection
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE -- dynamically prepare and execute a statement
GET DESCRIPTOR -- get information from an SQL descriptor area
OPEN -- open a dynamic cursor
PREPARE -- prepare a statement for execution
SET AUTOCOMMIT -- set the autocommit behavior of the current session
SET CONNECTION -- select a database connection
SET DESCRIPTOR -- set information in an SQL descriptor area
TYPE -- define a new data type
VAR -- define a variable
WHENEVER -- specify the action to be taken when an SQL statement causes a specific class condition to be raised

This section describes all SQL commands that are specific to embedded SQL. Also refer to the SQL commands listed in Reference I, SQL Commands , which can also be used in embedded SQL, unless stated otherwise.