
The view pg_user_mappings provides access to information about user mappings. This is essentially a publicly readable view of pg_user_mapping that leaves out the options field if the user has no rights to use it.

Table 49-81. pg_user_mappings Columns

Name Type References Description
umid oid pg_user_mapping .oid OID of the user mapping
srvid oid pg_foreign_server .oid The OID of the foreign server that contains this mapping
srvname name pg_foreign_server .srvname Name of the foreign server
umuser oid pg_authid .oid OID of the local role being mapped, 0 if the user mapping is public
usename name Name of the local user to be mapped
umoptions text[] User mapping specific options, as "keyword=value" strings. This column will show as null unless the current user is the user being mapped, or the mapping is for PUBLIC and the current user is the server owner, or the current user is a superuser. The intent is to protect password information stored as user mapping option.