
pgBadger Example

pgbadger is a PostgreSQL tool that reads the log files from a specified database in order to produce a HTML report that shows various PostgreSQL statistics and graphs. This example runs the pgbadger HTTP server against a crunchy-postgres container and illustrates how to view the generated reports.

The port utilized for this tool is port 14000 for Docker environments and port 10000 for Kubernetes and OpenShift environments.

The container creates a default database called userdb, a default user called testuser and a default password of password.

To shutdown the instance and remove the container for each example, run the following:



Run the example as follows:

cd $CCPROOT/examples/docker/pgbadger

After execution, the container will run and provide a simple HTTP command you can browse to view the report. As you run queries against the database, you can invoke this URL to generate updated reports:

curl -L

Kubernetes and OpenShift

Running the example:

cd $CCPROOT/examples/kube/pgbadger

After execution, the container will run and provide a simple HTTP command you can browse to view the report. As you run queries against the database, you can invoke this URL to generate updated reports:

curl -L http://pgbadger:10000/api/badgergenerate

You can view the database container logs using these commands:

${CCP_CLI} logs pgbadger -c pgbadger
${CCP_CLI} logs pgbadger -c postgres