Building the Containers

Build From Source

Please be sure to have your GPG Key and `.repo` file in the `conf` directory before proceeding.

This section of the documentation assumes you have followed the Installation Guide. Because the build pulls down some Kubernetes dependencies, you will need sudo’ers privileges to do a build.

You should do the following in order to build the containers locally and be able to submit patches:

  1. Fork the Crunchy-Containers GitHub repository.
  2. Containers builds are installed via a Makefile. You will need to run the following commands:

    cd $CCPROOT
    make setup
    make all

if you want to build an individual container, such as Postgresql, you can do:

make setup
make postgres

You can find all the make targets in the Makefile.

After this, you will have all the Crunchy containers built and are ready for use in a standalone Docker environment.