Feature Overview

This topic describes the features of Crunchy PostgreSQL for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Tile.


The Crunchy PostgreSQL for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Tile offers several out-of-the-box (configurable) plans. When deploying the service, operators have the opportunity to tune these plans for the needs of the environment.

Plan Sizes

The postgresql-13-odb service comes with several preconfigured plans.

Each plan corresponds to different server size set up by the operator when the service was deployed.

The following table provides information about the out-of-the-box cluster configurations. Review each plan offering and choose the correct database plan for the application.

Plan Name Description
standalone Single PostgreSQL server, useful for small development purposes
standalone-replica Single PostgreSQL server configured as a remote replica for an existing parent service
general Standard service plan, configured to fit most general use cases
custom Uses similar general plan settings, configurable to specific use cases
general-monitor Same as general, but with added support for Grafana monitoring
custom-monitor Same as custom but with added support for Grafana monitoring
The current limitations for these cluster configurations are as follows:
  • The number of replicas are only configurable during initial setup.
  • All replicas use async replication. sync replication is not yet configurable.
  • Standalone instances should be used with care, as they lack any of the integrated backup or recovery systems provided in the General plans.

Standalone Plan

The standalone plan includes a single PostgreSQL instance without the HA and load balancing features outlined below. Archiving and automated backups are disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting standalone_backups to true during service creation or update.

Standalone plans will not work with the Crunchy PostgreSQL Manager app.

Standalone Replica Plan

The standalone-replica plan leverages the standalone instance as a very basic remote replica. All of the restrictions for the Standalone plan apply to this service plan. The standalone-replica service must be accessible from the parent cluster; it must be in the same PCF instance, or the networks must be peered.

graph LR PostgreSQL_Cluster["PostgreSQL Cluster Service"] PostgreSQL_Standalone["PostgreSQL Standalone Service"] subgraph Cluster PostgreSQL_Cluster--Traffic Routing-->HAProxy HAProxy--Primary/Replica selection-->PostgreSQL_Cluster end subgraph Standalone Instance PostgreSQL_Standalone--Health/Heartbeat-->HAProxy end HAProxy--Connectivity Status-->PostgreSQL_Standalone

See Load Balancing and Selectively Accessing Clusters for more information.

Standalone Replica plans will not work with the Crunchy PostgreSQL Manager app.

Automated Backups

Crunchy PostgreSQL for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Tile uses pgBackRest as a dedicated backup and archiving host. The tile comes pre-configured with nightly physical backups of the database server for non-standalone plans:

Backup Type Day Time
Full Sunday 1 am UTC
Incremental Monday 1 am UTC
Incremental Tuesday 1 am UTC
Incremental Wednesday 1 am UTC
Incremental Thursday 1 am UTC
Incremental Friday 1 am UTC
Incremental Saturday 1 am UTC

Although backups only happen once a day, PostgreSQL is continuously shipping the Write-Ahead-Logs (WAL) to the pgBackrest server. This means that point-in-time recovery is possible, regardless of the schedule.

These backups not only offer peace of mind, but are used frequently by the tile.

Crunchy PostgreSQL for PCF uses backups to create replicas in the stack. By using backups in operations, we ensure that backup and restore operations are functioning properly.

All archives from the database server are stored on the dedicated backup host. This means that databases can be restored to specific points in time.

Currently, individual databases cannot be restored. All databases are restored in the shared cluster.

Load Balancing

Crunchy PostgreSQL for PCF uses HAProxy as a single point of entry to the database cluster. App developers must switch ports depending on the type of cluster they want to interact with.

Selectively Accessing Clusters

By using port switching, apps have the ability to manage the types of database interactions their app needs. When used correctly, this strategy allows apps to be more performant.

To query a primary node, apps must use the 5432 port on the load balancer. This ensures that writes or reads are redirected to the primary cluster.

To query a replica node, apps must use the 5433 port on the load balancer. This ensures that reads are redirected to the replicas. It is not possible to select an individual replica, so all connections will be shared across all replicas in a ‘round-robin’ format. For this reason, when explicitly accessing replicas, it is important to ensure the total number of connections to these replicas do not exceed the max_connections parameter.

High Availability Model

Crunchy PostgreSQL for PCF provisions a cluster of PostgreSQL servers and self-configures their roles (primary and many replicas). This allows the servers to change their roles when failures are detected.

Crunchy PostgreSQL for PCF configuration files are managed by consul-template. Each of these templates watch different parts of the stack. When changes are detected, configuration files automatically are rendered with the latest state. This allows the system to be dynamic and change depending on state of services.

For example, the PostgreSQL load balancer automatically detects when replicas are added or removed, and reconfigures its pool to reflect the current state.

Automatic Failover

Crunchy Cluster Manager runs on each of the Consul Servers within the Crunchy PostgreSQL for PCF. The job of CCM is to detect failures of the PostgreSQL servers and to determine who is the best candidate to replace a failed primary.

Once a new primary role is elected, CCM updates the Consul Service Catalog to reflect the new state. The newly elected primary reconfigures itself (triggers a failover) and all other services detect the new primary.

Failed former primaries are put into a fenced state. This tells the rest of the stack to no longer communicate with the failed service. An hourly cron job attempts to repair fenced servers and add them to the replica pool.

HA Model


Crunchy PostgreSQL for PCF offers the following tools to help developers manage their system: