Using the On-Demand Service

This topic describes how to use Crunchy PostgreSQL for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Tile.

Crunchy PostgreSQL Service

Crunchy PostgreSQL for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Tile is an on-demand, single-tenant PostgreSQL database service.

This service includes PostgreSQL, which can be configured in either cluster (primary and replicas) or standalone configurations.

The cluster plans also include:

  • Load balancer
  • pgBackRest dedicated backup
  • Consul cluster

Backups performed by pgBackRest are stored within the service instance by default. These backups can be used in the event of disaster recovery, or to assist when migrating from one service to another.

PostgreSQL Plans

The postgresql-13-odb service comes with several preconfigured plans.

Each plan corresponds to different server size set up by the operator when the service was deployed.

The following table provides information about the out-of-the-box cluster configurations. Review each plan offering and choose the correct database plan for the application.

Plan Name Description
standalone Single PostgreSQL server, useful for small development purposes
standalone-replica Single PostgreSQL server configured as a remote replica for an existing parent service
general Standard service plan, configured to fit most general use cases
custom Uses similar general plan settings, configurable to specific use cases
general-monitor Same as general, but with added support for Grafana monitoring
custom-monitor Same as custom but with added support for Grafana monitoring
The current limitations for these cluster configurations are as follows:
  • The number of replicas are only configurable during initial setup.
  • All replicas use async replication. sync replication is not yet configurable.
  • Standalone instances should be used with care, as they lack any of the integrated backup or recovery systems provided in the General plans.

Standalone Instances

A standalone instance may be used in one of two ways:

  1. Isolated single PostgreSQL instance, with no supporting software
  2. Isolated replica instance, allowing to ‘add on’ remote disaster recovery to an existing cluster.

Using the Standalone-Replica Plan

There are several prerequisites when creating a service using the standalone-replica plan type.

  1. Services must be in the same VPC or their networks must be peered.
  2. A ‘parent’ cluster service (using any other service plan) must exist.

To enable remote replication on an existing cluster, do the following:

  • Run the following command:
cf update-service $SERVICE_NAME -c '{"allow_remote_replication": true}'
  • Create a service key from the parent cluster with the following parameters:
cf create-service-key $CLUSTER_SERVICE_NAME $SERVICE_KEY_NAME -c '{"remote_replica": true}'

This service key will contain all of the relevant info for binding the standalone-replica instance to the parent cluster.

You can query this information directly from the service key by running the following command:


These parameters provided from the service key are required during the creation of the standalone-replica service.

Because of the complexity of some of these parameters, Crunchy Data recommends to compose a JSON file for creation:


        "db_name": "same_as_parent_service",
        "db_username": "same_as_parent_service",
        "owner_name": "John Q. Example",
        "owner_email": "",
        "haproxy_ip": "",
        "pgbackrest_ip": "",
        "replication_user": "testuser123",
        "replication_password": "supersecure",
        "replication_private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"

The service can be created by:

cf create-service postgresql-13-odb standalone-replica $STANDALONE_SERVICE_NAME -c values.json

For more information, see Creating a New Service.

Viewing Service Plans in Cloud Foundry

Using Cloud Foundry CLI

Run cf marketplace -s postgresql-13-odb. This will display information about each service plan offered by the Crunchy service. Choose the plan that best fits your application requirements.

Using Pivotal Apps Manager

  1. Select Marketplace on the left navigation menu.
  2. Find and select Crunchy PostgreSQL in the list of available services.
  3. Browse the available service plans and choose the one that best fits your application requirements.

Creating an On-Demand PostgreSQL Service

Service Creation Parameters

The following service configuration parameters are supported during service creation.

Parameter Description Required? Example Value Parameter Limitations Notes
db_name Name of the service database Optional example_db Value must begin with a lowercase alpha character and may contain only lowercase alpha, numeric, and underscore characters.
db_username Name of the service database user Optional john_example Value must begin with a lowercase alpha character and may contain only lowercase alpha, numeric, and underscore characters. This user will be the owner of the service database and be granted all privileges on the service database.
owner_name Contact name for the service database Optional John Example
owner_email Contact email for the service database Optional Must be a valid email address
allow_remote_replication Enables PostgreSQL archiving to a remote standalone-replica Optional true Value must be boolean true or false
bloat_check_schedule Recurrence of database bloat checking Optional @weekly Value must follow cron-style syntax Only valid for *-monitor plans
compliance_profile Compliance logging level used in cluster Optional base_compliance Valid values are base_compliance, stig_compliance_full, or pgaudit_disabled. Specifying stig_compliance_full configures PgAudit as specified in the PostgreSQL STIG, which may impact performance. Specifying pgaudit_disabled disables PgAudit logging and is not recommended. The configuration details for each profile can be found under Compliance Profiles.
db_encoding Database encoding for the service database Optional UTF8
enable_syslog Enables PostgresQL logging to syslog daemon Optional true Value must be boolean true or false Enable if you plan to use syslog-release to forward your logs remotely.
hba_addresses Addresses authorized to connect to the service database Optional Value must be space separated list of addresses in CIDR format
postgis Enable PostGIS and related extensions Optional true Value must be boolean true or false Enabling PostGIS will install postgis, postgis_tiger_geocoder, postgis_topology, and fuzzystrmatch
standalone_backups Enables PostgreSQL archiving and PgBackRest automated backups Optional true Value must be boolean true or false Only valid for standalone plan
haproxy_ip Replication value for replication cluster haproxy instance Yes (Only for stanalone-replica Plan) Value must be string with valid IP address Only valid for standalone-replica plan
pgbackrest_ip Replication value for replication cluster pgbackrest instance Yes (Only for stanalone-replica Plan) Value must be string with valid IP address Only valid for standalone-replica plan
replication_password Replication value password to perform remote cluster replication Yes (Only for stanalone-replica Plan) securepassword Value must be a valid string Only valid for standalone-replica plan
replication_private_key Replication key pair to allow remote cluster replication Yes (Only for stanalone-replica Plan) -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n... Value must be valid private key, all newlines escaped in string with \n Only valid for standalone-replica plan
replication_user Replication value user to perform remote cluster replication Yes (Only for stanalone-replica Plan) john_example Value must begin with a lowercase alpha character and may contain only lowercase alpha, numeric, and underscore characters. Only valid for standalone-replica plan
stats_access Allow users to create service bindings with superuser visibility of pg_stat_activity Optional true Value must be boolean true or false Access must also be enabled in the binding

Optional PostgreSQL Settings Parameters

PostgreSQL Internal Settings

The default configuration settings for PostgreSQL attempt to apply the most tuned settings for each plan and service instance.

It should not be necessary to change any of the low-level settings unless a service instance is being used in a very advanced configuration.

However, if further configuration is found to be necessary, the following settings can be overridden manually:

  • pgc_autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor
  • pgc_autovacuum_analyze_threshold
  • pgc_autovacuum_freeze_max_age
  • pgc_autovacuum_max_workers
  • pgc_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay
  • pgc_autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor
  • pgc_autovacuum_vacuum_threshold
  • pgc_checkpoint_completion_target
  • pgc_log_checkpoints
  • pgc_log_connections
  • pgc_log_disconnections
  • pgc_log_duration
  • pgc_log_hostname
  • pgc_log_line_prefix
  • pgc_log_min_duration_statement
  • pgc_log_min_error_statement
  • pgc_log_min_messages
  • pgc_log_timezone
  • pgc_maintenance_work_mem
  • pgc_max_locks_per_transaction
  • pgc_max_wal_senders
  • pgc_max_wal_size
  • pgc_max_worker_processes
  • pgc_random_page_cost
  • pgc_timezone
  • pgc_wal_buffers
  • pgc_wal_keep_segments
  • pgc_wal_keep_segments
  • pgc_work_mem
  • pgc_work_mem

More information specific to the individual values can be found in the Official PostgreSQL Documentation.

Example Usage for PostgreSQL Internal Settings

For example, if you wish to create a service with custom PostgreSQL setting for timezone and log_timezone:

cf create-service postgresql-13-odb general myService -c '
    "db_name": "testdb",
    "db_username": "testuser",
    "owner_name": "Test User",
    "owner_email": "",
    "pgc_timezone": "America/New_York",
    "pgc_log_timezone": "America/New_York"

It is also possible to edit the PostgreSQL Config settings within an existing service.

For example, the following update-service command would set timezone and log_timezone to UTC:

cf update-service myService -c '
    "pgc_timezone": "UTC",
    "pgc_log_timezone": "UTC"

Optional Extensions

The following extensions are available to install on the service.

The extensions are prefixed with ext_ as part of the parameter passed into the create-service or update-service command.

  • ext_address_standardizer_data_us
  • ext_address_standardizer
  • ext_adminpack
  • ext_amcheck
  • ext_autoinc
  • ext_bloom
  • ext_btree_gin
  • ext_btree_gist
  • ext_chkpass
  • ext_citext
  • ext_cube
  • ext_dblink
  • ext_dict_int
  • ext_dict_xsyn
  • ext_earthdistance
  • ext_file_fdw
  • ext_fuzzystrmatch
  • ext_hstore_plperl
  • ext_hstore_plperlu
  • ext_hstore_plpython3u
  • ext_insert_username
  • ext_intagg
  • ext_intarray
  • ext_isn
  • ext_lo
  • ext_ltree
  • ext_moddatetime
  • ext_pageinspect
  • ext_pg_buffercache
  • ext_pg_freespacemap
  • ext_pg_prewarm
  • ext_pg_stat_statements
  • ext_pg_trgm
  • ext_pg_visibility
  • ext_pgrowlocks
  • ext_pgstattuple
  • ext_plperl
  • ext_plperlu
  • ext_plpgsql
  • ext_plpython3u
  • ext_plr
  • ext_postgis_tiger_geocoder
  • ext_postgis_topology
  • ext_postgis
  • ext_postgres_fdw
  • ext_redis_fdw
  • ext_refint
  • ext_seg
  • ext_set_user
  • ext_sslinfo
  • ext_tablefunc
  • ext_tcn
  • ext_timetravel
  • ext_tsm_system_rows
  • ext_tsm_system_time
  • ext_unaccent
  • ext_uuid-ossp
  • ext_xml2

Unsupported Extensions

The following extensions are no longer supported due to deprecation from the BOSH Stemcells:

  • hstore_plpython2u
  • hstore_plpythonu
  • ltree_plpython2u
  • ltree_plpythonu
  • plpython2u
  • plpythonu
  • pltcl
  • pltclu

Example Usage for Optional Extensions

For example, if you wish to create a service with the btree_gist extension installed:

cf create-service postgresql-13-odb general myService -c '
    "db_name": "testdb",
    "db_username": "testuser",
    "owner_name": "Test User",
    "owner_email": "",
    "ext_btree_gist": true

It is also possible to add or remove extensions from an existing service.

For example, the following update-service command would install postgis, and remove btree_gist:

cf update-service myService -c '
    "ext_postgis": true,
    "ext_btree_gist": false

Creating a New Service

Follow the steps below to create and bind a service instance of Crunchy PostgreSQL to use with your app.

Using CF CLI

  1. Create a service instance named myService using the following command as a template:

    cf create-service postgresql-13-odb general myService -c '{
        "db_name": "exampledb",
        "db_username": "exampleuser",
        "owner_name": "Example User",
        "owner_email": ""
    1. Bind the service instance to your app: cf bind-service <APP_NAME> myService

    2. Run the following commands to restage your app so that it can use the service: cf restage <APP_NAME> The service will then be available for use within any bound application.

    A more advanced example, using custom plans:

    cf create-service postgresql-13-odb custom customService -c '{
        "db_name": "exampledb",
        "db_username": "exampleuser",
        "owner_name": "Example User",
        "owner_email": "",
        "server_type": "crunchy-small",
        "num_of_replicas": 2,
        "disk_size": "64GB",
        "allow_remote_replication": true,
        "db_connection_limit": 200

Further, in instances where " chars might cause issues in the command prompt (such as with Windows CMD), instances where consistent service parameters are used, or in instances where private data would be passed in the parameters, it is possible to create a separate JSON file with all of the parameters to be used in service creation.

Create a JSON file with required values: param.json

      "db_name": "testdb",
      "db_username": "testdb",
      "owner_name": "Example User",
      "owner_email": "",
      "super_secret_value": "dont_tell_anyone"

Then use this file as the JSON argument in the service creation:

cf create-service postgresql-13-odb general myService -c param.json

Using Pivotal Apps Manager

  1. After selecting the appropriate plan, fill in the Instance Name, Add to Space, and Bind to App fields under Configure Instance.
  2. Click Show Advanced Options, then enter the parameters and values for the service plan you selected; click the + to create additional fields.
  3. Once you have entered all parameters, click Add to create your service instance.

Updating an On-Demand Service

Configuration Parameters

Standard Service Plans

The following service configuration parameters are supported during service update:

Parameter Description Required? Example Value Parameter Limitations Notes
add_hba_addresses Add additional addresses authorized to connect to the service database Optional Value must be space separated string of addresses in CIDR format
allow_remote_replication Enable database replication to another service Optional (See Notes) true Value must be boolean true or false This parameter is a required prerequisite for enabling standalone-replica instances to communicate with the service.
compliance_profile The compliance level to use for the database cluster Optional base_compliance Value must be base_compliance, stig_compliance_full, or pgaudit_disabled The default and recommended value is base_compliance. Specifying stig_compliance_full configures PgAudit as specified in the PostgreSQL STIG, which may impact performance. Specifying pgaudit_disabled disables PgAudit logging and is not recommended. The configuration details for each profile can be found under Compliance..
delete_hba_addresses Remove addresses that were previously authorized to connect to the service database Optional Value must be space separated string of addresses in CIDR format You can only remove addresses that have been added to the service through the hba_addresses and/or add_hba_addresses parameters.
enable_syslog Enables PostgreSQL logging to syslog daemon Optional true Value must be boolean true or false This parameter is required to forward PostgreSQL logs with the syslog-release plugin.
standalone_backups Enables PostgreSQL archiving and PgBackRest automated backups Optional true Value must be boolean true or false Only valid for standalone plan.
stats_access Allow users to create service bindings with superuser visibility of pg_stat_activity Optional true Value must be boolean true or false Access must also be enabled in the binding

PostgreSQL Internal Settings

The default configuration settings for PostgreSQL attempt to apply the most tuned settings for each plan and service instance.

It should not be necessary to change any of the low-level settings unless a service instance is being used in a very advanced configuration.

However, if further configuration is found to be necessary, the following settings can be overridden manually:

  • pgc_autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor
  • pgc_autovacuum_analyze_threshold
  • pgc_autovacuum_freeze_max_age
  • pgc_autovacuum_max_workers
  • pgc_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay
  • pgc_autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor
  • pgc_autovacuum_vacuum_threshold
  • pgc_checkpoint_completion_target
  • pgc_log_checkpoints
  • pgc_log_connections
  • pgc_log_disconnections
  • pgc_log_duration
  • pgc_log_hostname
  • pgc_log_line_prefix
  • pgc_log_min_duration_statement
  • pgc_log_min_error_statement
  • pgc_log_min_messages
  • pgc_log_timezone
  • pgc_maintenance_work_mem
  • pgc_max_locks_per_transaction
  • pgc_max_wal_senders
  • pgc_max_wal_size
  • pgc_max_worker_processes
  • pgc_random_page_cost
  • pgc_timezone
  • pgc_wal_buffers
  • pgc_wal_keep_segments
  • pgc_wal_keep_segments
  • pgc_work_mem
  • pgc_work_mem

More information specific to the individual values can be found in the Official PostgreSQL Documentation.

Example Usage for PostgreSQL Internal Settings

For example, if you wish to create a service with custom PostgreSQL setting for timezone and log_timezone:

cf create-service postgresql-13-odb general myService -c '
    "db_name": "testdb",
    "db_username": "testuser",
    "owner_name": "Test User",
    "owner_email": "",
    "pgc_timezone": "America/New_York",
    "pgc_log_timezone": "America/New_York"

It is also possible to edit the PostgreSQL Config settings within an existing service.

For example, the following update-service command would set timezone and log_timezone to UTC:

cf update-service myService -c '
    "pgc_timezone": "UTC",
    "pgc_log_timezone": "UTC"

Optional Extensions

The following extensions are available to install on the service.

The extensions are prefixed with ext_ as part of the parameter passed into the create-service or update-service command.

  • ext_address_standardizer_data_us
  • ext_address_standardizer
  • ext_adminpack
  • ext_amcheck
  • ext_autoinc
  • ext_bloom
  • ext_btree_gin
  • ext_btree_gist
  • ext_chkpass
  • ext_citext
  • ext_cube
  • ext_dblink
  • ext_dict_int
  • ext_dict_xsyn
  • ext_earthdistance
  • ext_file_fdw
  • ext_fuzzystrmatch
  • ext_hstore_plperl
  • ext_hstore_plperlu
  • ext_hstore_plpython3u
  • ext_insert_username
  • ext_intagg
  • ext_intarray
  • ext_isn
  • ext_lo
  • ext_ltree
  • ext_moddatetime
  • ext_pageinspect
  • ext_pg_buffercache
  • ext_pg_freespacemap
  • ext_pg_prewarm
  • ext_pg_stat_statements
  • ext_pg_trgm
  • ext_pg_visibility
  • ext_pgrowlocks
  • ext_pgstattuple
  • ext_plperl
  • ext_plperlu
  • ext_plpgsql
  • ext_plpython3u
  • ext_plr
  • ext_postgis_tiger_geocoder
  • ext_postgis_topology
  • ext_postgis
  • ext_postgres_fdw
  • ext_redis_fdw
  • ext_refint
  • ext_seg
  • ext_set_user
  • ext_sslinfo
  • ext_tablefunc
  • ext_tcn
  • ext_timetravel
  • ext_tsm_system_rows
  • ext_tsm_system_time
  • ext_unaccent
  • ext_uuid-ossp
  • ext_xml2

Unsupported Extensions

The following extensions are no longer supported due to deprecation from the BOSH Stemcells:

  • hstore\_plpython2u
  • hstore\_plpythonu
  • ltree\_plpython2u
  • ltree\_plpythonu
  • plpython2u
  • plpythonu
  • pltcl
  • pltclu

Example Usage for Optional Extensions

For example, if you wish to create a service with the btree_gist extension installed:

cf create-service postgresql-13-odb general myService -c '
    "db_name": "testdb",
    "db_username": "testuser",
    "owner_name": "Test User",
    "owner_email": "",
    "ext_btree_gist": true

It is also possible to add or remove extensions from an existing service.

For example, the following update-service command would install postgis, and remove btree_gist:

cf update-service myService -c '
    "ext_postgis": true,
    "ext_btree_gist": false

Updating an Existing Service

Using Cloud Foundry CLI

To update an existing on-demand service instance’s configuration parameters, run cf update-service SERVICE-INSTANCE -c SERVICE-PARAMS, substituting SERVICE-INSTANCE with the name of your service, and SERVICE-PARAMS with a JSON object containing the parameters to update. For example:

cf update-service myService -c '{"add_hba_addresses": ""}'

To update the plan of an existing on-demand service instance, run cf update-service SERVICE-INSTANCE -p PLAN-NAME, substituting PLAN-NAME with the name of the desired service plan. For example, to switch to the general-monitor plan:

cf update-service myService -p general-monitor

Using Pivotal Apps Manager UI

  1. From the space dashboard, go to the Services tab.
  2. Select your service.
  3. Go to the Settings tab.
  4. In the fields under Configure Instance, add any service update supported parameters. Click + to create additional fields.
  5. Once the desired parameters have been added, click Update.

Updating the Service Plan

Using Cloud Foundry CLI

To change the service plan of an existing on-demand service instance, run cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -p SERVICE_PLAN, substituting SERVICE_INSTANCE with the name of your service and SERVICE_PLAN with the desired service plan. For example:

cf update-service myService -p large

When updating to a standard service plan, service configuration parameters are optional. When updating to the custom service plan, you must specify the required parameters listed under the Custom Service Plan section. For example:

cf update-service myService -p custom -c '{
    "db_connection_limt": 500,
    "disk_size": "512GB",
    "num_of_replicas": 2,
    "server_type:" "crunchy-large"

New servers may be created and/or reconfigured when an on-demand service is updated. Therefore, this step will take some time to complete. You can check the status of your service my running cf services and looking for SERVICE_INSTANCE or with cf service SERVICE_INSTANCE.

Integrating Applications

The following sections provide information on integrating an application with a newly created service.

Service Bindings and Service Keys

Service bindings are used for Cloud Foundry applications and services. When an application is bound to a service, the service credentials are automatically added to the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable within the application container. Unique credentials are generated for each service binding and are removed when the binding is deleted.

Service keys are used for external applications that need to use Cloud Foundry services. Creating a service key returns the service credentials JSON object, which can be used by the external application as appropriate.

Service Credentials

The following keys are available in the service credentials JSON object:

  • db_host: IP address for database write commands
  • db_name: database name
  • db_port: TCP port for database write commands
  • jdbc_read_uri: JDBC connection URI for database read commands; jdbc:postgresql://db_host:db_port/db_name
  • jdbc_uri: JDBC connection URI for database write commands; jdbc:postgresql://read_host:read_port/db_name
  • password: password for database user
  • read_host: IP address for database read commands
  • read_port: TCP port for database read commands
  • read_uri: standard postgresql connection URI for database read commands; postgresql://username:password@db_host:db_port/db_name
  • service_id: service instance identifier
  • service_role: the database role that is granted privileges to the service instance database; this role can not be used to connect to the database directly
  • uri: standard postgresql connection URI for database write commands; postgresql://username:password@read_host:read_port/read_name
  • username: the database role used to connect to the service instance database; this role inherits privileges from service_role and is unique for each binding
  • ssl_mode: the ssl_mode value needed to connect to the database, will be either disable or required

The following keys are available in cluster plans:

  • dashboard_user: username for the dashboard application
  • dashboard_password: password for the dashboard application
The following keys are available if one of the monitoring plans were selected:
  • prometheus_host: host of the Prometheus server for monitoring data
  • prometheus_port: connection port for the Prometheus server
  • prometheus_username: username for accessing Prometheus
  • prometheus_password: password for accessing Prometheus

Database Roles

Service Role

The service role is created at the same time as the service instance. The name of the database role matches the value of the db_username parameter given to cf create-service. This role is granted ownership of the service instance database and the public schema. The service role is identified by the service_role key of the binding credentials object.

Binding Role

A binding role is created for each service binding. This ensures each binding or service key is a unique set of credentials. It is granted the service role and inherits the service role’s privileges. The binding role is identified by the username key of the binding credentials object.

Database Object Ownership

A database object is owned by the role that creates it. Database objects may only be altered or dropped by the owner or a role granted the owner’s role.

The binding role will own any database objects it creates. Privileges for these objects are granted to the service role. This allows subsequent binding roles to access an object with the same privileges as the binding role that created the object.

When a binding is destroyed, object ownership is transferred from the binding role to the service role. This allows subsequent binding roles to alter or drop database objects created by previous binding roles.

Services with multiple active bindings that create database objects may have objects owned by multiple roles. In this scenario, an attempt to alter or drop an object that is not owned by the current binding role or the service role may fail with an error like the one below:

ERROR:  must be owner of ...

Therefore, it is recommended to create database objects as the service role instead of the binding role. This can be accomplished by using the SET ROLE command. For example:

SET ROLE <service_role>; CREATE TABLE t (id SERIAL, text TEXT);

If this is not possible, SET ROLE may be used when an object needs to be altered or dropped:

SET ROLE <service_role>; ALTER TABLE t ADD COLUMN moretext TEXT;

Accessing the Primary Database Server

To access the primary database server, which should be used for database write operations, use the db_host and db_port keys to construct a connection string. The uri and jdbc_uri may also be used to connect to the primary database server when supported by the client application or library. For more information, see Selectively Accessing Clusters.

Accessing the Replica Database Server(s)

To access the replica database server(s), which should be used for database read operations, use the read_host and read_port keys to construct a connection string. The read_uri and jdbc_read_uri may also be used to connect to the replica database server(s) when supported by the client application or library. For more information, see Selectively Accessing Clusters.

Binding a PCF App to an On-Demand Service

Using Cloud Foundry CLI

When the status of your service is create succeeded you can bind an app to the service by running cf bind-service APP_NAME SERVICE_INSTANCE, substituting APP_NAME with the name of your PCF app and SERVICE_INSTANCE with the name of your service. For example:

cf bind-service myApp myService
cf restage myApp

Binding parameters can be passed at creation time. For example:

cf bind-service myApp myService -c '{"parameter": value}'
cf restage myApp

The acceptable parameters are as follows:

Optional Binding Parameters
Parameter Description Example Value Parameter Limitations Notes
use_md5_auth Enables MD5 auth methods true Value must be boolean true or false Can be used if the app does not support SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication
stats_access Allow users to create service bindings with superuser visibility of pg_stat_activity true Value must be boolean true or false Access must also be enabled in the service instance
remote_replica Properly configure connection for a standalone remote replica instance true Value must be boolean true or false Only valid for cluster plans, service key recommended

If access to stats is enabled in your service instance, you can optionally enable this feature at binding time. With stats enabled you will be able to access the pg_stat_activity and pg_stat_statements views that are created in your service database. You can access these tables by calling SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity in the Crunchy PostgreSQL 10 tile (or greater). If using the Crunchy PostgreSQL 9.5 tile, use SELECT * FROM monitor.pg_stat_activity().

Using Pivotal Apps Manager

  1. From the space dashboard, select the Services tab, then select your service.
  2. Select the Overview tab, then click the Bind Apps button.
  3. Under the Bound Apps section, tick the checkbox for the app you would like to bind to your service, then click Save.

Unbinding a PCF App from an On-Demand Service

Using Cloud Foundry CLI

To unbind your app from your service, run cf unbind-service APP-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE, substituting APP-NAME with the name of your PCF app and SERVICE-INSTANCE with the name of your service. For example:

cf unbind-service myApp myService

Using Pivotal Apps Manager

  1. From the space dashboard, go to the Services tab.
  2. Select your service.
  3. Go to the Overview tab.
  4. Click Bind Apps.
  5. Under the Bound Apps section, click the Edit Bindings button and disable the checkbox for the app you want to unbind from your service.
  6. Click Save.

Managing Service Keys

Creating a Service Key

To create a service key for an external application, run cf create-service-key SERVICE_NAME SERVICE_KEY_NAME, substituting SERVICE_NAME with the name of your service and SERVICE_KEY_NAME with a name for the service key, such as SERVICE_NAME_sk. The service credentials JSON object can be viewed by running cf service-key SERVICE_NAME SERVICE_KEY_NAME. For example:

cf create-service-key myService myService_sk
cf service-key myService myService_sk

Service Keys accept optional parameters available to service bindings. The create-service-key command expects these parameters as JSON:

cf create-service-key myService myService_sk -c '{"remote_replica": true}'

Deleting a Service Key

To delete a service key, run cf delete-service-key SERVICE_NAME SERVICE_KEY_NAME, substituting SERVICE_NAME with the name of your service and SERVICE_KEY_NAME with the name of the service key. For example:

cf delete-service-key myService myService_sk

Deleting an On-Demand Service

Using Cloud Foundry CLI

To delete your service instance, run cf delete-service SERVICE_INSTANCE, substituting SERVICE_INSTANCE with the name of your service. For example:

cf delete-service myService

Using Pivotal Apps Manager

  1. From the space dashboard, select the Services tab, then select your service.
  2. Select the Settings tab, then click the Delete Service Instance button.


Common Errors

As part of the toolset to ensure that the Crunchy PostgreSQL for PCF services are highly available, a number of internal checks and processes run frequently to ensure the health of the system.

It’s possible that some of these checks fail due to actions performed against the service.

The PostgreSQL Healthcheck ensures the following: - Role is expected value: primary/replica - PostgreSQL is ready - Recovery Status, if failover occurs - Replication Status - Filesystem usage

If any of the above tests return an unexpected value, the BOSH job is alerted of this condition, allowing Platform Administrators to quickly and easily identify troubled service instances.

Connecting to an On-Demand Service from an External VPC

In order to connect to an on-demand service from an external VPC, you must ensure that the external VPC and PaaS VPC are peered. This process allows traffic to be routed between VPCs. You may see connection timeout or connection refused errors if the VPCs are not peered.

Additionally, the client IP address or subnet must be added to the pg_hba configuration of the service instance. This can be accomplished during service creation with the hba_addresses parameter or during service update with the add_hba_addresses parameter.

Security and Compliance

The PostgreSQL Audit Extension (PgAudit) provides detailed session and/or object audit logging via the standard PostgreSQL logging facility. The goal is to provide Crunchy PostgreSQL users with capability to produce audit logs that comply with ICS 500-27 requirements.

The following table provides more information on the configuration provided for each compliance profile.

  • Profile is the name of the compliance_profile.
  • pgaudit.log is the value(s) for pgaudit.log, which determine the type of statements that are captured in the audit log.
    • READ: SELECT and COPY when the source is a relation or a query.
    • WRITE: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, and COPY when the destination is a relation.
    • FUNCTION: Function calls and DO blocks.
    • ROLE: Statements related to roles and privileges: GRANT, REVOKE, or CREATE, ALTER, and DROP ROLE.
    • DDL: All DDL that is not included in the ROLE class.
    • MISC: Miscellaneous commands, e.g. DISCARD, FETCH, CHECKPOINT, VACUUM.
Profile pgaudit.log
base_compliance ddl, role, misc
stig_compliance_full ddl, role, misc, read, write
pgaudit_disabled N/A

For further information regarding Security and Compliance within this service, see the Security and Compliance section.

pgBackRest Documentation

For more information about pgBackRest restorations, see the official PGBackRest documentation.

Crunchy PostgreSQL Manager

The Crunchy PostgreSQL Manager is a simple Cloud Foundry app to allow for developer visibility into the service, showing VM health, disk usage, and other useful information without the need for Platform Administrator privileges.

  1. Obtain the source package from the Crunchy Data Access Portal.
  2. Follow the installation instructions contained within the tarball to deploy the PCF app.