Streaming Replication Check

Pgpool-II can work with PostgreSQL native Streaming Replication, that is available since PostgreSQL 9.0. To configure Pgpool-II with streaming replication, enable master_slave_mode and set master_slave_sub_mode to 'stream' .

Pgpool-II assumes that Streaming Replication is configured with Hot Standby on PostgreSQL, which means that the standby database can handle read-only queries.

sr_check_period ( integer )

Specifies the time interval in seconds to check the streaming replication delay. Default is 0, which means the check is disabled.

This parameter can be changed by reloading the Pgpool-II configurations.

sr_check_user ( string )

Specifies the PostgreSQL user name to perform streaming replication check. The user must exist on all the PostgreSQL backends.

Note: sr_check_user > and sr_check_password are used even when sr_check_period is set to 0 (disabled) for the identification of the primary server.

This parameter can be changed by reloading the Pgpool-II configurations.

sr_check_password ( string )

Specifies the password of the sr_check_user PostgreSQL user to perform the streaming replication checks. Use '' (empty string) if the user does not requires a password.

This parameter can be changed by reloading the Pgpool-II configurations.

sr_check_database ( string )

Specifies the database to perform streaming replication delay checks. The default is "postgres" .

This parameter can be changed by reloading the Pgpool-II configurations.

delay_threshold ( integer )

Specifies the maximum tolerance level of replication delay in WAL bytes on the standby server against the primary server. If the delay exceeds this configured level, Pgpool-II stops sending the SELECT queries to the standby server and starts routing everything to the primary server even if load_balance_mode is enabled, until the standby catches-up with the primary. Setting this parameter to 0 disables the delay checking. This delay threshold check is performed every sr_check_period . Default is 0.

This parameter can be changed by reloading the Pgpool-II conf igurations.

log_standby_delay ( string )

Specifies when to log the replication delay. Below table contains the list of all valid values for the parameter.

Table 5-9. Log standby delay options

Value Description
'none' Never log the standby delay
'always' Log the standby delay, every time the replication delay is checked
'if_over_threshold' Only log the standby delay, when it exceeds delay_threshold value

This parameter can be changed by reloading the Pgpool-II configurations.