Installation - pgRouting Manual (2.5)
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Table of Contents
- Short Version
- Get the sources
- Enabling and upgrading in the database
- Dependencies
- Configuring
- Building
- Testing
Instructions for downloading and installing binaries for different Operative systems instructions and additional notes and corrections not included in this documentation can be found in Installation wiki
To use pgRouting postGIS needs to be installed, please read the information about installation in this Install Guide
Short Version
Extracting the tar ball
tar xvfz pgrouting-2.4.0.tar.gz
cd pgrouting-2.4.0
To compile assuming you have all the dependencies in your search path:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Once pgRouting is installed, it needs to be enabled in each individual database you want to use it in.
createdb routing
psql routing -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postGIS'
psql routing -c 'CREATE EXTENSION pgRouting'
Get the sources
The pgRouting latest release can be found in
To download this release:
wget -O pgrouting-v2.4.0.tar.gz
Goto Short Version to the extract and compile instructions.
To download the repository
git clone git://
cd pgrouting
git checkout release
Goto Short Version to the compile instructions (there is no tar ball).
Enabling and upgrading in the database
Enabling the database
pgRouting is an extension and depends on postGIS. Enabling postGIS before enabling pgRouting in the database
Upgrading the database
To upgrade pgRouting in the database to version 2.4.0 use the following command:
ALTER EXTENSION pgrouting UPDATE TO "2.4.0";
More information can be found in
Compilation Dependencies
To be able to compile pgRouting, make sure that the following dependencies are met:
- C and C++0x compilers * g++ version >= 4.8
- Postgresql version >= 9.2
- PostGIS version >= 2.0
- The Boost Graph Library (BGL). Version >= 1.46
- CMake >= 3.2
- CGAL >= 4.2
optional dependencies
For user’s documentation
- Sphinx >= 1.1
- Latex
For developer’s documentation
- Doxygen >= 1.7
For testing
- pgtap
- pg_prove
Example: Installing dependencies on linux
Installing the compilation dependencies
sudo apt-get install
cmake \
g++ \
postgresql-9.3 \
postgresql-server-dev-9.3 \
libboost-graph-dev \
Installing the optional dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y python-sphinx \
texlive \
doxygen \
libtap-parser-sourcehandler-pgtap-perl \
pgRouting uses the cmake system to do the configuration.
The build directory is different from the source directory
Create the build directory
$ mkdir build
Configurable variables
To see the variables that can be configured
$ cd build
$ cmake -L ..
Configuring The Documentation
Most of the effort of the documentation has being on the HTML files. Some variables for the documentation:
Variable | Default | Comment |
WITH_DOC | BOOL=OFF | Turn on/off building the documentation |
BUILD_HTML | BOOL=ON | If ON, turn on/off building HTML for user’s documentation |
BUILD_DOXY | BOOL=ON | If ON, turn on/off building HTML for developer’s documentation |
BUILD_LATEX | BOOL=OFF | If ON, turn on/off building PDF |
BUILD_MAN | BOOL=OFF | If ON, turn on/off building MAN pages |
DOC_USE_BOOTSTRAP | BOOL=OFF | If ON, use sphinx-bootstrap for HTML pages of the users documentation |
Configuring with documentation
$ cmake -DWITH_DOC=ON ..
Most of the effort of the documentation has being on the html files.
Using make to build the code and the documentation
The following instructions start from path/to/pgrouting/build
$ make # build the code but not the documentation
$ make doc # build only the documentation
$ make all doc # build both the code and the documentation
We have tested on several platforms, For installing or reinstalling all the steps are needed.
The sql signatures are configured and build in the cmake command.
MinGW on Windows
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" ..
$ make
$ make install
The following instructions start from path/to/pgrouting
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
When the configuration changes:
rm -rf build
and start the build process as mentioned above.
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